Shift Happens ... Perception is Not Always Reality
Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP 'Get Along Coach'
703-869-1881-Helping Leaders/Teams Get Along Better with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere - Professional Development Training
To see those who are difficult to deal with, as those who may be dealing with many difficulties.
To see those who do not smile, as those likely in need of one.
To see those who are in your face, as those who really want to have your ear.
To see those who have hurt you, as those who also hurt, often for reasons you cannot see.
To see those whose ideas cause conflict, as those whose different perspectives may offer perfect solutions.
To see those who upset you, as those who serve as the perfect teachers for opening your heart.
To see those with a strong need to be right, as those who have a strong need to feel validated.
To see those who hold grudges, as those who are choosing to invest their energy in hanging on rather than letting go; closed hearts cannot give or receive their intended gifts.
To see the desire for connection, even when the possibility appears remote.
To see how a hostile situation plagued with disconnection might be trans- formed into an opportunity for coming together.
To see eye-to-eye, rather than an eye for an eye. When not seeing eye- to-eye, to seeing heart-to-heart.
To see that you either choose to connect or choose something else; your actions either result in connection, or something else.
When you shift your focus, you enter interactions with a new perspective; this powerfully transforms difficult dynamics and makes a world of difference in how you respond and the experiences you create for yourself and others. It all depends on what you choose.
Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP works with companies and organizations to improve customer and workplace interactions, engagement and relationships. He is the author of 6 books to include, “Get Along with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere.” He has delivered over 2,500 keynotes, workshops and training sessions was recently named by Successful Meetings Magazine as one of the top 5 “best bang for the buck” speakers in the USA. – [email protected]