Shift from Scarcity to FLOW
Brigette Iarrusso Global Business Strategist and Sales Coach
I help conscious companies, coaches, consultants & thought leaders close more sales using consensual events, pitches and conversations!
I want to explore the deep inner underbelly of the money ship and whether or not your sales are flowing in your business.
If your sales are flowing, it means people are ready to have a conversation about working with you and when they get into that conversation, you can calmly and confidently walk them through their journey to yes with zero push or pull.
And if this is not happening, scarcity is a factor. And not in the one-dimensional way you might think I am talking about.
We all deal with scarcity. It's deeply, deeply embedded in us, and it comes from many different places.
Historically, hierarchical, patriarchal, and bureaucratic institutions have told us: 1) what we should and shouldn't have; 2) what we should think; 3) what we should do; 4) how we should behave and 5) what's possible for us.
If you are a POC, Latinx or somehow “divergent” as well, let’s magnify that 10-100x depending on your layers of intersectionality.
I don't want to get too deep into the historical side. That's another masters thesis I am not in the mood to write, and Trudi Lebron already probably wrote one, so we can just source other experts for that.
I do want to talk about how scarcity shows up for us as coaches, healers and leaders in our industry. Because it can be THE thing that is derailing us from creating more income and more impact in a way that is sustainable and aligned.
Scarcity is at play:
- In our marketing and how we put ourselves out there
- If we show up bold, un-PC or “unprofessional” (send me the rulebook on what is “professional” and I can 100% trace it back to some old puritanical white man)
- In how we navigate sales conversation and if we are desperate, shaky or fearful
- In whether we host live events or trainings or show up live online or in-person
- Put out content that is truly life-changing v. just fine and vanilla (a mi no me gusta vanilla, unless it’s mixed with cayenne or chocolate)
Scarcity is at play if we are holding back because of fear that there are not enough clients.
Or that we will turn someone off or not get enough likes.
Or holding a belief that we're not enough even though we have 20 years of lived experience.
Or thinking that we're going to be judged.
I'm here to tell you that this is where the work has to happen and the rubber hits the road.
If you're ready to elevate your visibility and claim your spot as the go-to expert in your industry so that you MAKE DAMN SURE that no one is robbed of the amazing transformational work you do in the world - then it’s time to look scarcity in the face.
I want to walk you through a couple of questions. Please be really honest with yourself about what's coming up for you.
- Are you fully and authentically letting people see who you are and what you're about - cracks and all?
- Are you putting out incredible amounts of value and letting people see exactly what it would be like to work with you with no FEAR of over-giving?
- Are you safely and generously giving away some of your quote “secrets” and ways that you do your work with your paid clients?
- Are you sharing your deepest core values and bold personal beliefs without any concern for what other people think?
- Do you navigate sales with total ease and flow and literally look forward to every single sales conversation?
- Do you fearlessly walk people through their objections and support them in unravelling their own scarcity on a sales call?
If not, then its highly likely that this is part of what is keeping your sales from fully flowing.
If you're feeling brave tell me the truth - did you answer all of these yes, no or did the question raises a doubt? You can tell me in my inbox if you are not down to share with our community. It’s all good.
This is the work that I love to do most in the world. Which is kind of nuts when I think back to the fact that I started my journey doing grassroots business and leadership development in Central and South America as a volunteer in my 20’s. And for over 10 years made less than 50K a year in the non-profit sector. A lot has shifted since then and to put it bluntly:
I fucking love helping conscious, subversive, disruptive, progressive and paradigm-shifting business leaders make a LOT more money to create a much bigger impact in the world and serve more people while making more money and not resorting to any weird shady business shit. Because that is NEVER how I roll.
And I believe DEEPLY that concentrating more money into the hands of diverse and deeply impact-focused people with strong core values means more LEVERAGE, more possibilities and more OPTIONS for our community.
I'm on a personal mission to help conscious business people embrace sales and marketing as an act of love and service.
It is so important to understand that we can create real social impact at every stage of this process when we are aligned with the perspective that it's not about us and our ego and what people think about us.
It’s about how we are helping others through every aspect of our business: our messaging, our content, our training, our events, our conversations, our groups, and yes, our sales conversations.
It’s never about coercion or pushy weird sales crap.
Because that is when our scarcity is showing its ugly head and undermining us in our journey toward the real purpose of our work - to create transformational results for others.
Listen up mi gente - there are A LOT of people out there. Enough people for all of us to have an abundant and deeply connected community that appreciates and embraces our unique way of doing the work that we do in the world. When I think about this last group of people that finished my 12-week Speak.Serve.Sell. program I have to marvel at the age and ethnic diversity of the group. There were no more than 2 people of any one ethnic or age group. And, it was the most core values aligned community I have ever served.
Each time, I have to pinch myself and realize that my people come in every form. And that they are all united by their desire to work in a diverse, inclusive and balanced mastermind community that is a safe zone of tough love and accountability for all.
And how did this happen? It happened because I was really vulnerable, authentic, explicit AND generous with what I put out.
And if you do the same - the right people are going to not only see you and connect with your core values and resonate with your message but they're also going to understand exactly how you can help them and take a step up and have a conversation
And then, there is the next step in the journey. Because it's not just about putting the content out there. It's about having a real framework to navigate, bringing people along in the conversation and inviting them to the next step. Fearlessly and confidently.
Because you know you are going to OFFER them a TON OF VALUE!!!
Which brings me to the thing that I'm ready to share which is my free to VIP and sales Flow Framework Training! I'm going to offer this training live in Oakland next month and 3 times online because I do not want anyone to miss it.
I am going to cover everything you need to make your Sales Flow:
- The mindset and the shift from scarcity to fearless abundance
- A Free to VIP framework that ensures people are ready to take the next step
- The Sales Flow Framework which is where I walk you step by step through how I navigate sales conversations that flow into yes
- How to overcome objections in total integrity to support people in saying yes when they really want to but have an un-addressed fear
- And, the 4 elements of sales you must have to make sales go from being challenging to totally fluid
If you're interested in receiving an invite to either the live online webinars or in-person trainings, please make sure you drop me a comment.
My team is going to be scrambling to make sure we get stuff to everyone that's asked us over the past few weeks.
We want to make sure you're on the list of people to receive information about my Sales Flow trainings that are coming up in the next month!
?? Advocate for Humanity | Kindness Consultant | End-of-Life Educator | Estate & State Funds Specialist ??
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