A Shift From Manual To Automation
Shaikh Muhammad Sabir

A Shift From Manual To Automation

Software testing entails methodically and empirically determining whether software is correct. Software testing is a procedure that guarantees the product's quality to customers stakeholders having knowledge of the product or service's quality that is being tested. Software testing guarantees that the software product works properly in all circumstances as well as that it does not work properly in certain circumstances. There are various requirements for various types of software. Software for video games, for instance, is very different from software for banks. Users of games have distinct needs than users of banks.

When a company creates or invests in a software product in such circumstances, it must make sure that the software product will be well-liked by its end users, target market, buyers, and other stakeholders. The method used to perform this assessment is software testing.

A. Mode of Testing

Testing can be divided into two categories based on how the test is executed.

a) Manual testing

b) Automated testing

A) Manual Testing:

A testing method known as manual testing involves the test engineer manually creating and running test cases to find software bugs. It is the oldest and most exacting technique for testing software. Manual testing is a time-consuming task that calls for the tester to have a specific set of skills, including patience, observation, speculation, creativity, innovation, open-mindedness, and skill. Performing repetitive manual testing on large software systems or apps with extensive dataset coverage might be challenging.

Obstacles to Manual Testing

Time consuming and tedious:

Significant human resource investment; More testers are needed for manual testing because test cases must be manually run.

Less reliable:

Because human error might occur during manual testing, tests may not be carried out accurately every time.


Complex tests that retrieve concealed information cannot be written using programming.Manual testing is prone to inaccuracy and can become tedious.

B) Automation Testing:

By creating test scripts in scripting languages like Python, JavaScript, or Tcl (Tool Command Language), software testing can be automated and test cases can be executed by computers with little to no human involvement. To minimize human work and save money, test design and development can be automated jointly. Additionally, the automation programme may generate thorough test reports, compare expected and actual findings, and enter test data into the system being tested. A significant financial and resource commitment is required for test automation. Repeated execution of the same test suite will be necessary during subsequent development cycles. This test suite can be recorded and replayed as needed using a test automation tool. No further human involvement is needed once the test suite has been automated. The objective of automation is to decrease the amount of test cases that must be run manually, not to completely replace it.

Advantages of Automated Testing:


It moves more quickly than manual testing.


Because automation tools are used to execute test cases, fewer testers are needed for automation testing.


Using testing tools, the same test scenario (record and replay) can be repeated.


Test suits may be applied to several software versions.


Testers can create complex tests that reveal hidden data.


Testers are able to create test suites that include tests for every functionality of a software programme.

More Reliable:

Automation tests are more dependable because they always carry out the exact same task.

Test Coverage:

Greater test coverage for the functionalities of the application.


To conclude, we can say that manual testing is laborious, time-consuming, and expensive in terms of human resources. With the aid of automation technologies, we can record the test suite and replay it as necessary. No further human involvement is needed once the test suite has been automated. Automation testing requires larger initial expenses than manual testing, and only some test cases may be automated.


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