Shh Moms Love… Seeing the Community Come Together
Denise Milano Sprung
What did you do today that brought you joy?? ?? Larry’s wife ??Zach and Jeremy’s mom ?? daughter ?? mental health advocate ??what some have labeled the “wizard behind the curtain"
Denise here… This Shh Moms Love post is about the beauty of witnessing the book community come together for a cause.
I have been so moved over the past 5 years with the pouring of support for the Keith Milano Memorial Fund. After losing Keith 13 years ago to suicide we made it our family’s mission to raise awareness about mental health. This community embracing Keith’s memory has touched our family in a way that transcends words.
Today I am coming to share information about another cause this amazing community has dove head first into supporting—The Love3 Initiative spear-headed by KP Simmons the owner of InkSlinger PR. Author Kennedy Ryan’s passion for helping families with an autistic child has moved this community to action!
The Love3 Initiative benefiting the Myles-A-Part Holiday Program will enrich the holiday season for single parent homes with at least one autistic child. Seeing so many come forward to support this cause is touching and powerful.
On a personal level when Larry and I shared with our sons, who are 14 and 11, that this holiday season we would be sponsoring a in need family for the holiday they were so supportive and thankful we could help another family. Though the family whose season we will help make magical hasn’t been identified yet, hearing our children love the idea of helping make another family’s holiday even more special this year truly brought the power of giving back home.
You can learn more about Myles-A-Part here:
If are interested in joining us to make the holidays magical for these deserving families that are vetted by the charity you can donate here:
All contributions must be received by November 30th. This will give us time to shop for the needs and wishes of the families and get them shipped off in time. Myles-A-Part will provide a donation receipt to anyone giving $250.00 or more. ??