??? she's here
If you've been following ATC for a while, you'll know a few things:
1) That I write them sporadically.
This was honestly supposed to be just something for fun.
But seeing the growing number of people sharing on LI how discouraged they are about finding a job, plus the memes about how people have applied to 1000 jobs
(which signals to me that people are caring less WHAT it is, as long as it's something)
means that there's a populace of people who are in the perfect position to use this time to discover their purpose and put their efforts toward pursuing something more aligned with what gives them meaning between applying for jobs and biting their nails.
So, I'm going to commit to writing these weekly and you can expect them every Wednesday.
They're also going to be more tactical.
2) That I've bumbled around with the WHAT, HOW, and WHO since becoming a Spiritual coach.
In an earlier edition, I mentioned what you absolutely should have figured out before you quit the corporate rat race to step fully into your purpose.
(I didn't and suffered the consequences lol, so trust me, I know what I'm talking about)
I FINALLY locked all of that in and have gone all in on the direction I KNEW I should've stuck with...more on that later.
Where I am today.
In an earlier edition, I discussed how I had to go back to square one because quitting before I had clear direction meant spending precious time I COULD have been spending on funnels, marketing, and getting my first clients on bullsh*t-like values, mission, branding, etc.
This is the crap that WON'T move the needle.
I already covered this, so go back and read if you didn't catch it.
But, that time was not lost...because I made my first passive sale.
While I diverted in a lot of creative directions with the how, what, and why of my business, one area that I did manage to make progress in was a winning funnel.
I have to thank Evelyn Weiss for that. Please look her up.
Here is the funnel I pieced together from insights from Evelyn's $50k roadmap and other research, trial, and error:
This funnel worked and it worked well.
The only problem was, I knew I hadn't worked out the HOW, WHAT, & WHY...yet.
I know my purpose is to be a messenger.
Hence the name "Mik the Messenger."
This means guiding people through:
Which, I was EXTREMELY resistant to at first. I wanted to just be a creator and sell digital products because:
A) It felt like everyone and their mother was becoming a coach, and
B) Did I really have what it took to change someone's life? (even though, without knowing, I had already done this many times just be being.)
Once I adopted an abundance mindset and overcame my self-doubt, I knew I had all the makings of a successful coach.
I've spoken before a few time, all of which have been motivational vs. tactical. I want to do more motivational speaking, but this is a 2025/26 goal.
Digital Content
Social content, digital media, digital products, you get the idea.
Just Doing Regular Ass Sh*t
I can rarely get groceries, get gas, or go do stuff without some person seeking me out and oversharing in hopes that for whatever reason I have the answer?
And I always do.
It's not me sharing an opinion, though.
I'm just the messenger, and the Universe works through me. My brain shuts off and words flow out.
Sometimes people cry, get a face like their mind had been blown, or get wildly fascinated and ask more questions about their life from a perfect stranger – me.
I cannot explain this phenomenon and I stopped trying.
But it's a major reason I became a coach.
Plus, friends, family, and colleagues have always felt they could be very open and vulnerable with me.
Probably because I don't judge, share what they say, and meet them with empathy and encouragement.
Another indicator of my true purpose as a messenger was that I had an entire career in copywriting and content writing.
Impactful words that make people feel good are my jam.
I just wanted to start using it to make change FIRST, and money second.
Not the other way around.
Hence the pivot in purpose from corporate to coach.
So, the writing has always been on the wall that I'm a messenger for the highest good, but how does that translate into actually helping people AND getting paid to do it?
Getting my first passive income sale was a huge breakthrough because I know the marketing engine I've built over the course of the past year WORKED.
Now, I needed to revisit the what, how, and why.
What I help people do.
How I was going to them do it.
And why they need it.
And I FINALLY figured it out. It was there all along. She took a while, but she's finally here.
The what:
We already know I quit my job to become a spiritual coach.
Okay, but what do I help people do?
I'm a Spiritual coach who helps people discover their purpose...the same way I did, and the way I've doing through this newsletter I started months ago.
Duh, but check. ?
The how:
The how is my product mix.
Coaching was inevitable. How am I supposed to help people discover their purpose if I'm not having face time with them? I'm not.
And why was I so resistant to it anyway?
Face-to-face interactions and guidance is how I've literally helped friends, family, and strangers be empowered to make massive changes in their life.
I was coaching before I was a coach, lol.
And did I not quit to become a Spiritual coach?
Girl, make it make sense.
But anyway, knowing my "what" helped me create a coaching package that as I was creating was making my heart center EXPLODE.
"This is it! I finally got it."
I could just feel it, and I was excited about it. I felt a fullness that I hadn't felt yet.
Check ?
2) Digital Tripwire: How to Discover Purpose: A Roadmap to Joy & Fulfillment
This is me outlining –
"Okay, it took a 10-year spiritual journey to help me discover my purpose...I'll put all my learning into a roadmap that I can sell at a very low cost."
Evelyn's guidance pack them with value, but don't hinge your rev on this.
This is just the tripwire to earn trust and build authority, and upsell people into coaching and low-ticket membership.
And knowing my "what" helped me create this too...
3) Membership: Powered by Purpose
I made this low-cost too because, eventually, I'll introduce high-er ticket tiers that will essentially be more face time with me.
It'll feature –
weekly live group coaching and EFT tapping sessions (a WILDLY successful tool that helped me make dramatic shifts in limiting beliefs, btw.)
But in any case, the community will be made of other high-vibe, growth-minded people on the path to align their life with what gives them joy, meaning, and fulfillment plus:
? Weekly live Q&A
? Weekly video lessons
? Transformation tools like guided meditations & subconscious reprogramming (another game-changing tool I was introduced to years ago)
? Worksheet, prompts, challenges, and more
A community makes sense because it's VERY important to have when you're on a journey to align your life with what gives you purpose.
No one knows better than me.
This leads me to...
The why:
Finding fulfillment from within requires taking control of your life and steering it away from what you've been taught to believe, to what feels right from within.
This means:
? Embracing sobering revelations to heal
??Enduring painful transitions to newer and better
??Facing uncomfortable feelings
??Letting go of what you once loved but doesn't serve you
??Unlearning a lot of what you've been made to believe
??Embracing change and uncertainty...like unemployment...because you're pursuing what you were actually made for
Realizing that this was the exact path I had been on, finding and fulfilling my purpose, means that THIS is what I was meant to do.
I help people discover and fulfill their purpose.
That's it.
This was the third circle of finding my Ikigai.
While I still have some progress on my 4th circle, some people never make the move to discover and fulfill their purpose due to their conditioned fear and perceived limitations.
All of which, are their own illusions.
And we're meant for more, so much more.
Babygirl, we were meant for the WHOLE DAMN WORLD.
and our juiciest LIFE, honey.
Not a goddamn thing less.
Not another minute or hour of your precious life at one of the 1000 jobs you applied for just to pigeonhole yourself into something empty out of your fear of uncertainty.
A hot take, sure, but I'm living proof.
The time is nigh.
Take the job to fund your life, but don't make it your end all be all.
Stop climbing, start flying.
I'm doing it.
And you can, too.
And I can teach you.
So in terms of the why...check. ?
A phenomenal read...wow.