shelving guide
Take a look at the following product highlights, which illustrate the main differences between the types of shelving on offer. It might help you to make a decision as to which product would be most appropriate for your needs.
Cold Stores - Stainless steel or aluminium shelving is suitable for food use in cold temperatures. Also look out for shelving with an antibacterial coating.
Display Shelving - Looks are the most important feature here, and chrome wire shelving creates the right ambience with sufficient strength and flexibility in use. Wire shelving can also be found in an all black finish, and some plastic shelving can provide an economical display option.
Bar Racking - Consists of cantilever arms from a central post to hold tubes, pipes, beams and other large and bulky items which do not fit on standard racking.
Warehouse Racking - This utilises a fully constructed and braced frame at each end of heavy duty beams. The beams can be used to support chipboard or galvanised steel panels. Heavier duty versions can be used to support distribution pallets of merchandise, but can also support timber panels or mesh decks to support non-palletised goods.
Garage Shelving - Often narrow shelving is used to leave maximum space for the vehicle. The increasing use of Summer and Winter tyres on vehicles necessitates the storage of the unwanted set, and tyre storage racking is now available.
Office Shelving - Usually of at least 400mm depth to house paperwork. The sides and backs of certain units can be clad to give the look of an open fronted cupboard. This can be further enhanced by the use of delta edge units, where none of the shelf joint work is visible.
Warehouse Stores - Often constructed as aisles, so deeper shelving of 600mm can be approached from both sides. Units can be specified with wire mesh shelf decks which will allow fire extinguisher sprinkler water to fall through in the event of a fire, increasingly being requested for insurance purposes. Also available as cage shelving for the secure storage of valuable goods.
Archive Shelving - The heavy weight of boxes containing paper necessitates the use of heavy duty shelving.