Shelter in place testing will save US
Now is the time for 'real talk' and people need to get real. There is going to be a great separation that needs to take place in our ecosystem in order to flatten the curve and test in place. As an example, I was on the FDR walk-way, yesterday, a couple of blocks away from my dwelling on East 92nd and Second Avenue. I took this picture to illustrate the magnitude of what needs to take place in order in order to test in place at each site, or building. The way I conceptualize testing in place once the US scale up its ability to provide every person with a PCR result, we are going to need self administrated test that can be retrieved by designated lab technicians with very low risk, however, the difficulty will be sheltering in place maybe close to a month in order to stop the spread of the virus. We are going to have to lock down and cut off all movement...exempting first responders and essential personnel. We are approaching these considerations in every conceivable way. The longer we prolong the decision the wider the spread of COVID-19.
Feedback is guidance, let me know what you think, I could be wrong. Social distance is necessary. Stay safe. Be blessed.