"Shelter in Place, Social Distancing" and about “Social Control.”…….Coronavirus is alive and well………….part 42
IF the government really wanted to help people, they'd immediately pass an IMMUNE STIMULUS PACKAGE, making sure that every person on Earth had access to all the vitamins necessary to boost immune health, including funding for immediate, emergency local organic
GARDENS in every space available. But no, giant, 99cent bottles of soda and giant bags of chips line the entrances of grocery stores, and those stuck at home with no money will go for the cheap, pseudo food as usual. People know nothing of health. Big agriculture and big pharma like it that way.
Instead, literally TEN TRILLION DOLLARS have been funneled upward to the 1%, as the rest of us flounder and die. They're even talking about cutting SS and Medicare, at a time when (improved!) MEDICARE FOR ALL should be the first line of action.
Politicians everywhere , even the alleged progressive ones, voted to give trillions to the wealthy and a pittance to the paupers phase of the deep state's plan to surveil and criminalize the freedom we used to take for granted only a couple of months ago. Who knew the "good ol' days," would turn out to be last February?!
I'm a lucky lock downer because I live in rural village with a large garden and lots of seeds, but the vast majority of people are being forced in extremely unhealthy positions in order to save their health.
Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank you …WHAT?! That's what Indians does best! Health is big Safety is mass SECURITY, where every move is traced. It's ALL for our own good, right?!
Dividing folks and making people afraid of each other is a classic corruption tool for democracy
All of the medical geniuses on here understand one thing you can shout from your roof tops D 3 K 2 vit c and every other supplement in the world that could cure every illness that ever existed but if maybe a half of a percent of the population may know what you are talking about it will never make it to the mass public .
All we are doing is patting each other on the back on this site because we know somewhat about staying healthy. But let’s be real Do you think the MSM is all of a sudden one night going to tell everyone that we the { MSM } have been lying to you since the big Banks bought us out in the early 1900s .
No not going to happen so all the smoke being blown up each other’s butts with comments aren't going to reach the critical masses in time to do any good .
It makes us feel like people here are making a difference but think about going out in the middle of the ocean and yelling something like ------ is a monster lock him up .
The only real difference would be that they couldn't collect data out in the ocean but here they get to know their real enemies with all the data they get .
Want to add word or two?
The D3 connection possibly providing protection is making it's way in Legacy Media reporting.
So far it seems there has been little if no mention of the importance of K2, minerals, or the impact of Industrial Processed Foods or Glyphosate on our guts, and it's impact blocking absorption of minerals or the leaky gut it creates.
(And why the Vaccine worship when they are a direct leaky gut deposit bypassing a leaky gut & any & all of our given natural immune defense systems?)
If this Virus-a-Phobia disaster proves anything it shows just how wrong it has been to base all decisions on a maximum profit motive & just how empty Allopathic
Your comment ….?
Thinking is & it is only providing incomplete treatments. Incomplete & leaving us with an ever increasing load on an imbalanced immune system with chronic disease left in place until it erupts into massive disaster for the individual, then ultimately for a society as a whole.
It shows how much our institutions don't know & a complete lack of Whole Systems Thinking. If our modern society's weren't so germ or sun phobic & more engaged with Nature, Life & each other in healthier ways, our society's would reflect this and be healthier too.
What about stress?
It creates a domino effect of hormonal events throughout the body, leading to immune suppression to some degree or other, depending on how severe the stress is. "Social" distancing can ONLY produce loneliness, isolation, and stress.
Fallen economy, and all its outcomes....hunger, homelessness, suicides, alcoholism, you name it. Lucky day. (not). If you look at it that way, it is not the virus, but the social distancing itself, which is literally, murder. A horrific violent crime.
Thanks to the junk food industry, loaded with glyphosate gluten, hydrogenated fats there is no shortage of sick people. If we add the vaccines we have a serious risk of autoimmune diseases, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, etc ,. all of them associated greater severity of COVID-19.
With most people fluoridated out of their minds and their eyes glued to the propaganda machine, diseases are a great epidemic. People must wake up en masse and the agrion and pharmaceutical industries will lose their corrupt Billions.
We have almighty money in the hands of unscrupulous elites who have taken over the planet and are leading the masses down the path of doom.
I observe social distancing and largely stay at home. NOT because I fear for myself, but because there are those I cherish in the local retirement home.
In Australia most Covid 19 seems break out in dense accommodations (like cruise ships and retirement homes) and areas which observe social distancing and staying at home apart from essential travel have had very few cases. NZ is doing even better!
If you work for the government, or a corporation large enough to guarantee your salary, this lockdown at home is a potential vacation, with no worries about “going out of business.
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
4 年Has the world become such a place where there is no longer room for one-of-a-kind small neighborhood shops, businesses conducted face-to-face in friendly violation to social-distancing ranges? Such proprietors still embody some of the staunch individualism needed to strike out on their own and risk betting on their own smarts, initiative and hard work, rather than being a cog in a larger corporate structure. Frankly, it is that spirit we should care about more than how anyone might earn their living. It is a spirit beyond the ken of technocratic, globalist values. If it is not what many would imagine as greatness, conditioned as we are by Hollywood imagery, then it certainly contains the seeds of greatness, heroism in modest clothing, without fanfare.