Shelter Pet Healing: How Do I Know Which Technique is Best?
Shelter Pet Healing: Which Healing Technique is Best?
For a shelter pet, a foster pet, an abused animal that’s been rescued, healing presents extra challenges. Because not just any healing technique is the right one or will be helpful.
The question becomes:
“What is the best way to know which kind of healing techniques should be used for a rescued, abused, shelter or foster pet?”
Consider the story of rescued shelter dog, Bojangles.
For a shelter dog like Bojangles, his life is just an endless cycle of spending time inside a kennel.
Day in and day out, he watches as other dogs get adopted and go to their new homes.
But for Bojangles, his dream of a forever home and someone to love and care for remains just out of reach.
Nobody chooses him, and he doesn’t know why.
It’s heartbreaking to see as his hopeful spirit fades away and the people pass him by, when he retreats back into his corner, feeling depressed and rejected time after time after time…
His head hurts, his vision isn’t great in one eye, and he often feels sick to his stomach.
It stings a bit when he urinates.
His back and left hind leg aches constantly.
His ribs still hurt from when he was kicked and beaten.
If only the humans knew how to speak his language so his questions could be answered, his story heard.
Maybe they could help him understand why he keeps getting overlooked and is never chosen.
Is he doing something wrong?
Why are the other dogs leaving but not him?
Where are they going?
The other dogs talk about being taken away to die.
Is that what happens to them?
Will it happen to him too?
How much time does he have left?
Will he be stuck here in the kennel, never finding a person to love him?
Maybe they could help him feel better too, if he could just tell them how he feels and the kind of pain he’s in.
For an abused animal rescue dog like Bojangles, the power of a simple heart to heart conversation – and the right healing for his battered spirits, body and soul – would make all the difference in the world.
If you have questions about helping shelter animals, how to best help them heal and feel better, and ultimately find their forever homes, then this is what you need.
Because becoming a better, more competent animal communicator and healer is critically important if you are an animal advocate/guardian.
You must know how to speak their language.
Let’s circle back to answer the question:
“What is the best way to know which kind of healing modality should be used for a rescued, abused, shelter or foster pet?”
This a great question, because there’s a huge difference between doing whatever healing modality you like or prefer or are trained in, versus being certain that the modality you choose is what the animal most needs and wants to get the best results.
It’s a big decision, because there are many healing modalities to choose from, ranging from allopathic (conventional veterinary approaches like drugs, surgeries, tests, and the various “procedures”)…
To holistic alternative modalities like body work, massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, neuromuscular techniques…
What about things like homeopathy, supplements, herbs, diet…
And then there’s energy healing like reiki, pranic healing, soul repair, BodyTalk Healing System, emotional freedom technique (EFT), Ho’oponopono Hawaiian healing prayers and many others to name just a few.
The BEST place to start solving any problem with shelter, abused, fostered and rescued animals is…
Beyond being trained in many healing modalities and then knowing which healing technique to choose to offer and in what order…
Is your ability to communicate with animals using Heart Wisdom methods, which can be very healing when done the right way.
Why do I say that?
Because the only way to know for sure what the animal most needs is to talk things over with them – listen as they share their heart and experiences, concerns and questions.
As they do, they can begin to unburden themselves of painful things.
Sometimes they don’t even need another healing modality.
When they feel heard, listened to, respected and understood, they don’t need to carry the pain or stress anymore, the symptoms ease up, they feel relaxed, comforted, clear, and at peace.
If they do still need more help, then it’s time to move into the next step.
ASK them: How can I help you? What do you need? Do you have any questions or concerns?
They will guide you from there.
But only if you are a competent, proficient communicator.
To be sure, this level of animal communication is a more advanced skill and requires the right training, opportunities to practice and get feedback, and experience to become competent.
These are the kinds of thought processes and healing I guide and coach my students and clients on that have such a profound impact on improving their ability to communicate and use their intuitive abilities with great results.
Training you to be proficient at the highest level possible makes me a super happy camper, it’s my jam in my donut, the sun in my shine, and why I do what I do.
I never hold back anything that can help you be the BEST you can be, and as you’ll discover, no questions are off limits.
These are not simple issues easily solved with superficial, simple solutions.
Or by only focusing on developing one intuitive ability, because there are MANY intuitive abilities, and you need ALL your senses working properly to be a better communicator.
These are the complex issues using advanced intuition, education and training, communication practice, and healing skills that I coach and mentor with my best students.
It requires healing your inner wounds so your feelings don’t block or stop you from comprehending their messages accurately.
And THAT is what makes you a better, more competent, proficient communicator in the Heart Wisdom Methods.
There are other mistakes communicators can make too, all of which I teach about how to avoid and fix.
But only if you want to be a better animal communicator and healer so you can help more animals including your own.
You’ll find your invitation to train with me one on one HERE.
Students and professionals train with me to gain that “extra edge” by developing more than just the ‘average’ communicator skills.
You know you can do better. BE better. You want more.
You know you have inner healing to do because you can sense limitations, blocks and blind spots in your communication and in your life.
It’s why I’ve dedicated so much of my life, education and training learning about helping people heal, healing, and teaching so I can guide YOU to be the best you can possibly be.
The Heart Wisdom program is a sequence of different trainings, and the further you go, the more competent you will be in my method.
My “right fit” qualified students move through four levels of competence: beginner, intermediate, advanced, and proficient.
You won’t find this level of training anywhere else.
Doing this critical self mastery and inner healing work is what makes the Heart Wisdom Methods different and so much more powerful than other animal communication programs.
It’s all about mastering yourself and growing your intuitive abilities at all levels, as well as improving your ability to communicate proficiently with animals.
Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!
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