Pablo Farias Dezontini
Comandante EMBRAER 195/195-E2 na Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras | Fundador do “The Ejet Pilot Guide” e “The Ejet Pilot Podcast”
The SHELL Model is one of the safety recommended models by the ICAO Doc 9869 about the implementation of a Safety Management Systems (SMS) to support the assessment of Human Factors on safety performance
The SHELL Model was first developed by Edwards in 1972, with a modified diagram to illustrate the model developed by Hawkins in 1975.
The SHELL Model is well known and useful to illustrate the impact and interaction of the different system components on the Human, and emphasizes the need to consider Human Factors as an integrated part of SRM.
Piloto Comercial de Avi?o
10 个月Rela??es entre: 1 - o homem e a máquina 2 - o homem e o sistema de trabalho 3 - as pessoas no seu ambiente de trabalho 4 - o homem e o ambiente físico