Sheila's Sky-High Joyful Journey
About Sheila
Sheila is an energetic woman who has lived a colorful life. For more than five decades, she crafted a vibrant career in the hospitality industry in legendary cities like San Francisco, Austin, Key West, and New Orleans as well as in her quaint town of Cable, Wisconsin. She has held many roles: bartender, restaurant manager, short-term rental operator, and special events coordinator. She even ran a blues club at one point. Her career brought many rewards, but roughly eight years ago, she felt ready for something new. The problem was that she had no idea what else she was qualified to do outside of the hospitality industry. That’s when we began to talk about her dreams, the life she wanted to live, what transferable skills she had, and what a new resume could look like.?
What have you been up to since we last worked together?
I fractured my foot while skydiving in celebration of my 60th?birthday. My 81-year-old mother and all of my friends and family landed safely, but somehow I got an injury for my birthday. LOL!
I knew then that standing for several hours at a time as a server was no longer an option. I explored alternative roles in customer service, including some remote jobs since I live in a rural area. I also applied for a few roles in food and beverage sales at local resorts. I was immensely qualified, but I never even got an interview. I can’t know for sure, but ageism could have been a factor. Then, the pandemic hit. There were no hospitality jobs to be had. Everything felt like a dead end.
The funny thing is that a few years prior, I had already embarked on my new career but didn’t even know it. In 2017, I attended the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show while on vacation with Scott Gooler. He is a lifelong “rockhound” with expertise in geology. I love all things shiny and sparkly. On a whim, we purchased a ton of product and decided to start selling what we bought at shows and festivals. We offer display pieces and home decor made of rocks, minerals, and fossils. Scott focuses on that, and I focus on selling our semi-precious gemstone jewelry set in sterling silver. Earthborn Treasures was born then, but I didn’t yet think of it as a “real” job or a new career. It was just something fun to do for side money.
The more Scott and I got into doing the shows, the more I realized how lucrative it could be and how much I loved what we were doing. Our products are beautiful, and they bring people so much joy. Just as I did in my old career, I get to connect with people and make them happy. Now we are busy all year as vendors at farmers' markets, craft shows, and festivals. We even have a permanent booth at Sweet Exchange, a gift shop in our picturesque town of Cable, Wisconsin.?Our business allows us to live comfortably and spend winters in Florida with our toes in the sand. It all worked out.
I “fell” into this new career sort of like how I fell out of that plane, but this time I landed on my feet.
How did our work together help you?
Right off the bat you calmed my fears. Middle-aged and with experience in only one industry, I didn’t know if a career change was even possible. You reassured me that I would be okay by helping me to identify my transferable skills: customer service, multitasking, interpersonal communication, relationship building, management, operations, and business development.
As we discussed new options and began to reimagine my resume as a marketing document (not as an extensive work history), I began to see myself in a new way. That built my confidence and fostered my resilience. I think that is why I was eventually able to recognize Earthborn Treasures for the opportunity that it was.
I am thankful for the work we did together, and I am also very thankful that I have Scott as a business partner. He and I make a great team.?
Editor’s Note: Although Scott was never my client, I am impressed by his own story. He is a self-taught and self-made man with a lifelong passion for geology. Prior to starting Earthborn Treasures with Sheila, he had a thriving career as a geotechnical consultant which involved managing leasing rights and exploring properties to find and test raw materials like kaolin and clay for sale to end users. His company supplied the only brick makers in Minnesota with their materials for several decades.
What is your best piece of career advice?
Scott and I both feel that people should do what makes them happy and be with people that make them happy. So much of life is spent at work; make that time count.?
One more thing: I am 66, and Scott is 67. Our story is proof that you're never too old to live a new dream.
Embark on your own Joyful Journey to Career Success!
Do you feel stuck in the past and have no idea how to move forward in your career? Are you afraid of trying something new because you've only done one thing your whole life? Are you middle-aged or older and worry that it's too late to begin again? Slay the doubt and proceed on your own Joyful Journey to Career Success.?Email Marcia at [email protected] to get started.
About Marcia - Career Success Coach
I enjoy helping people to live their best professional lives. I am a?Global Career Development Facilitator?and a?Certified Career Services Provider?through the?National Career Development Association. I am also certified through?Recovery Innovations International?to support people who are dealing with mental health issues as they navigate their wellness journeys.