Sheeple Congressional Representatives Kneel but NOT to God!
Paul Sutliff
Chairman of the Board @ Straightway of Grace Ministry | Apologetics, Civilization Jihad
For the last two weeks I have watched politicians and law enforcement take a knee to proclaim submission to a belief that cops are dangerous to black people. I am sorry, I have some outstanding colleagues in #LinkedIn who are from every race who work in law enforcement, intelligence, DHS, Armed Services and more. This broad proclamation that one cop is an example of evil racism of all cops is a horrendous wrong statement!
WORSE THAN THAT! People are kneeling in submission! My family was here and fought for our independence so that you and I do not have to kneel those over us or to ideas. Many died in defense of this newly created country over 200 years ago so Americans would never again kneel to such things. Americans do not bow to royalty. We do not bow to anything except God! So when I see idiots taking a knee in disrespect to our flag or Constitution I get angry. My family fought so you and I can have these rights! Why are politicians throwing away the work of our ancestors to make us free? How can they be so ignorant of our history and pride in our ability not to kneel?
Insane also is that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Schumer made dramatic statements and actions for the purpose of trying people in the media by making a big show of the Black Caucus to convict a man of murder before his trial! Perhaps they forgot about his Constitutional Rights also? When politicians do these things they destroy the rule of law for everyone! I may not agree with what the videos show of the actions an officer kneeling on a man's neck with three other officers nearby who did not intervene, BUT I DO DISAGREE with trying a man in a public forum where he has no rights or ability to defend himself. This is America we are supposed to be above such petty foolishness. America is supposed to be a place where ALL American's rights are equal under the law.
My belief is that each and every politician in the screen shot above should be VOTED OUT immediately by those they claim to represent, because they just spit on every one of their constituents by disrespecting our Constitution, and the brave men who fought in the American Revolution so we can continue to be free 230 plus years later! Maybe I should not be surprised at who chose to disrespect the great men who served our country. I ask that you do everything in your power to vote them out!