A sheep of Wall Street?
Jo?o Paglione
CEO @ 2Solv.ai | AI-Powered Lead Gen for High-Ticket Businesses | Find the Right Clients xXX Faster !
Berlin, 2008. I applied for a job as a junior stockbroker. Broke, I
needed a new job to pay rent. Over three months, I would make over 400 calls daily, pretending to be a stock broker. The same 4-page script was repeated thousands of times. It didn't work. People were scared, and no one had money to buy. My boss eventually removed our chairs to punish us for the lack of sales. Having broken both my ankles, I spent most of the day standing in pain. I saw my boss looking at me, my face in pain. He enjoyed it and respected me for it. During my time at "Creston Financial", most of my colleagues would quit, show up drunk for work, or go to the WC to snort cocaine. I just wanted to pay rent. When I started, our team was 20 people. Most people either gave up or fired within 1 or 2 weeks. I didn't have that choice. I had to pay rent. At that time, unbelievably, 500€ per month in the middle of Berlin. Despite all my pain and being scared, I couldn't believe I was making 1200€ per month. And I was so naive, not only because I didn't know who I worked for or what I was doing but because I looked ridiculous in a cheap 50€ suit. Eventually, after three months of calling people all day, standing for over 12 hours a day, 40 minutes into a phone call with some bloke in Northern England, someone said, "Yes" - I will buy that stock. My sales Manager, Henry, burst into the room. It was only me, and it was 10 pm on a Friday. He told me to say everything Leonardo di Caprio said in the movie "Wolf of Wall Street". These psychologically manipulated "Always be Closing" phrases to make the deal. They work! So the client said, "Yes". He invested 20,000 pounds in the company Wealthcraft. The stock ticker is WCCP - look it up. Wealthcraft Capital, Inc. is only worth 0.05$ cents a share today. However, I didn't know I was working for criminals and con artists at that time. They call(ed) those operations "Boiler Room". Look it up - there's a movie about it with Ben Affleck. I will regret making that deal because I wonder how much money that guy lost. But I will never regret trying to do things that seemed impossible. I am still trying to do that every day.