Click on the link above or and open the Lulu’s offer of my book “Sheep for the Slaughter/Politics in Quotes” before beginning to read what follows.
According to Haruki Murakami –the connection between sheep and people is obvious: THERE IS A SHEEP IN EACH OF US–he says. Yes, let’s be honest, each of us now and then, more of less often, a day or a month at a time IS a passive, lazy, thoughtless, selfish sheep. The consequences ? Who does not know what it means to miss the last train to an important destination. We all see graveyards of sheepish non action : individual lives screwed up and the world falling apart.
While my book says the same here and there, Murakami seems to be the first writer in history who so openly, bravely, strongly and memorably emphasized this sad fact of life. To convince the disbelieving, sheepish human masses TO ACT, in his book “A Wild Sheep Chase” he focused on an extreme case of the discussed connection– the time when a sheep invades man’s body and sooner rather than later takes it over so the invaded man is about to become a sheep and go on invading & destroying other men! To prevent the calamity, before it’s too late, both the invaded man and the sheep-invader must be killed.
Oh, yes, because there are many sheep-invaders and damn sheepish men letting them in to feed on their flesh and brains. If the geometrical progress of their growing in numbers continues –our Planet Earth is in danger of becoming depopulated, inhabited just by wolves and lions–precisely the way they want.
Any solution? –ACTION. In my book I offer quite a few types of action which–if taken seriously, practiced daily by teams of people, communities and nations will if not save us from Armageddon then at least postpone it. The book packed with thousands of years of life wisdom is meant to be an effective lightening of lively school and college discussions. It is also a perfect coffee table book. Also for the shy and poorly educated. Reading a quote of Plato, Alexander the Great, Stalin or Trump will carry your conversation a long way. It will flow smoothly and you will shine..
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