Sheep or Giraffe?
John Welch
Delivering services to the FM and Construction industry | Sports Inclusion advocate
I attended a really engaging talk a few weeks ago, which was centered around becoming more outstanding in your field. Whether sales, marketing or administration we are all able to do something that makes the difference in our day.
The speaker focussed on what key areas we had to look at in order to make this difference. Whether it was engaging with our customers, asking for referrals, social networking or attending events. The room quickly agreed that it was all of the above with no exception. Cold calling, on the other hand, was mentioned but the audience felt that if we were all successful networkers, social butterflies and more engaging, this was something that can be left to others less outstanding.
"If you don't market yourself and your organisation correctly, you won't get results" - we all have daily interactions with individuals and businesses where we are able to highlight what we do. What we do great and, sometimes, our flaws - what we don't do great! Don't be afraid to talk about these as without failure we do not experience success.
Understanding our sector and knowing who we are, will allow us to be more specific in our interactions ultimately leading to successful marketing and excellent results.
If you drive down the motorway in the UK and you pass a field with sheep in it and immediately feel the urge to tell someone, you will be met with a muted response as this is normal. If, however, you drove past that same field and a giraffe was staring back at you, the same conversation with the same person would be incredibly different.
BE DIFFERENT and OUTSTANDING IN YOUR FIELD* the Giraffe and not the Sheep.
(*Credit to J.Burke - Action Coach)