Shed the Shell in order to GROW

Shed the Shell in order to GROW

When is the Last time you felt uncomfortable being Comfortable? Never?

You might be thinking "How is it even possible to get Uncomfortable being Comfortable? Is it even Possible?"

Yes, it is possible.

Lets take an example of a Lobster to relate on how can you get Uncomfortable being comfortable.

Lobster's Life-Cycle - Lobster is a mere bug when it is just hatched. It eventually learns to survive under water and grows a shell on its body. However unlike the other species lobsters shell cannot grow once it is completely harden, Lobster grows through out the life and the shell which once was comfortable starts itching and it will boycott the shell and starts building a new one which is more bigger. This continues through out its life time. Lobster has to under go 5 stages before it is fully matures and this happens very quick and often in the first few weeks. However once it is fully matured the cycle is slow but continues.

Jump into the Ocean of life it is filled with Learning, Enjoying, Success, Failure, Friends, Foes .etc. it a a mixture of everything.

Step 1 : Have a Dream which doesn't let you sleep - APJ

Step 2 : Work your sweats off to fulfill your dreams.

Step 3 : Don't let your mistake stop you from trying hard. ( The one who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein )

Step 4 : Enjoy your success with everyone. ( Success tastes better Shared )

Step 5 : Start Over from step one.

Life is not just about surviving, Life is to live your Dreams.


