While in our childhood most of us have tried this tongue twister out "She Sells Sea Shells on the Sea Shore" to speak fast and get it right!!!Some of us may be even NOW this very minute trying this out subconsciously!
Well all said and done post exhaustive Business Development & Selling experience I would have few deeper questions and newer ways to "untangle the tongue twister"!!!
Why is She selling Sea Shells on the Sea Shore?
- If you really sell Sea shells on Sea Shore how many would buy it Vs Selling Sea Shells outside the Sea shore where it is really sparse ?
- Why not Sell Sand to construction companies and Sea shells to countries devoid of Sea as a memento ?How much would the Sea Shells fetch then?
- Make several byproducts out of it exclusive showpieces ,necklaces,earrings export and RESELL!
- How to fetch the previous Sea Pearl?Try to lay the hands on the Pearl with the strongest Business case
Well as simple byproduct start to sell Necklace /earrings etc. made from genuine sea shells outside the sea shore
Sand is a true boon to construction companies.Unlike salt manufacturing it shall not require strong machinery to extract!It would just need to be transported and used
A rare pearl is indeed a great find .It shall fetch much price.So dont waste all time in collecting minuscule shells and go far for the real treasures of the ocean and sell the same
Interesting isnt it!From trying to get the tongue twister right DIVERSE EXPERIENCE teaches to attack root cause of the problem !!!
The fundamentals of Sales remains same you sell commodity,deep solutions ,NEXT GEN technologies or legacy equipment.We SELL to serve the customer segment optimally ensuring optimal price,lower the #CAPEX and #OPEX and ensure customer satisfaction.
When we have an addressable market we think of byproducts along the line and fetch add on revenue .This enables company and customer to both make profits!
It is a tongue twister indeed but I shall choose to resolve it in easier way "She sells Sea Shells,Sand and other byproducts far away from the Sea Shore!!! and hence it shall nomore twists out tongues and we can say it as many times as we want!!!
#Sales #BusinessDevelopment #Mentor #CAPEX,#OPEX