She QUIT launching & made $50,000 in 30 days with her online course!

She QUIT launching & made $50,000 in 30 days with her online course!

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Hello everyone. All right, let's get into it.

So I'm so excited today because we are going to be talking to one of our superstar clients, Felicia Streeter, who is a part of our Authority Accelerator program. I wanted to give you a little bit of background. She's incredible and quite the spitfire. So I'm excited to talk to her today. And she is a government contracting consultant with 20-plus years of experience. And she specializes in helping small and minority business owners start and grow government contracting businesses, a pretty specific niche for sure. And she was looking for a step-by-step system to take her business from constant launch cycles and hitting plateaus to going evergreen so that she could get consistent revenue month over month.

So before I bring Felicia on, here are just a few of the things that have happened for her and her business since she joined the Authority Accelerator program back in March. She actually generated $50,000 in 30 days when she first enrolled in our program and leveraged our POP launch strategy. And now her business is evergreen. She's crossed six figures with her online course and shifted away completely from doing live launches and from working one on one with clients. And she books consistent sales calls every month and is generating consistent revenue. We're going to talk about that and how she's been able to do that. And her YouTube channel has grown to 13,427 subscribers in less than seven months. So I am so pumped to bring Felicia on. Without further ado, let's bring on Felicia. Hi Felicia, how are you??

Felicia Streeter:


Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Thank you so much for being here. We really, really appreciate it. And I'm so excited to dive into your story.

Felicia Streeter:

Yes. I'm glad to be here. Thank you.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Yes, of course. Let's start with... Let's hear a little bit of background and what brought you to the Authority Accelerator program?

Felicia Streeter:

So for me, I was looking at really just getting more consistent with the cash flow, because yes, the launch was working, but it's like you have a start and the end date of the money coming in. And so even though you may have payments still, but you don't have new money coming in every month consistently. So that was one of the things. And then two, having to do the same thing over and over. Like you're telling people the same thing over and over, and it's like, okay, there has to be a better way. Plus, there's only so many hours in a day, which means if you're doing one of one, you can only take on so many clients at a time, which also caps your cash flow.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Absolutely. And I know when you joined us in the program, you were at a place where you were like, "I know I need to make a change." What was your tipping point when you were like, "I'm ready to do this, I'm ready to shift my business model"?

Felicia Streeter:

For me, one of the things was a small business. So I don't have hundreds of thousands of people following me, first of all. So when we do the numbers, which you always talk about the numbers, and I wasn't tracking them before, but I do now. But I did know if I don't have hundreds to thousands of people following me, it's hard to do a launch and say, "Okay, we're going to do it for this period of time then shut it down." Because you can't get the numbers that way. It just didn't work. And so for me, I knew I needed something where I could have a continuous flow of cash flow, but also have that open enrollment where people can sign up at any time.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Absolutely. Create real consistency. I think that's the thing, right? So if you aren't familiar, and you can let us know in the comments, if you aren't familiar with what a launch model is, it is essentially you create urgency around opening your business for a short period of time, and then you close it down. So you have a short window to be able to bring in revenue and sales. And it's a model that can create a lot of stress as a business owner and entrepreneur, because... Saw your eye roll there. Because you don't know what the results are going to be all the time. You don't know how many sales you're going to really be able to bring in. And then once it's done, it's done. And you have to wait a significant amount of time before you do another launch. And it can work sometimes, if you have this really big, massive audience, but if you have a smaller audience, as you mentioned, it's really tough to get the numbers in that you need to make your business truly run. Am I correct in saying all of that?

Felicia Streeter:

Yes. And is a lot of work. You forgot that part.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

It's a lot of work. It is a lot of work. So Felicia and I were talking right before we got on here and Felicia was saying, you have a new boyfriend, new-ish, and he was saying that... Was it him or you that said, "I don't have to work all the time" or something like that? I love that story.

Felicia Streeter:

Well, he did. I don't, but he does. He's like, "I don't get to walk around my house all day and just do anything and this and that." And I'm like, "But I do work. I swear, I work. I promise you, I do." And it doesn't take all day in our industry and what we do. And then with this being evergreen, it doesn't take all day to make money. Because I'm not shutting down the system at any given time, it's always running. And like you said, with things being evergreen, so it's always running whether I'm there or not.

I make money when I'm sleeping. I make money most of the time. And it's funny, I make a lot of money when I'm not working.?

So I don't know, whatever. Like when I'm out hanging out or just out like... It's crazy. Because you get the notifications. We like to get those.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

I mean, nothing better than a little email saying, "You've made X amount of dollars. You just received a payment of X amount of dollars." I mean, same thing. I was on vacation two weeks ago and I'm on the beach and I'm like, "Well, would you look at that?" And it does get glamorized and glorified, but it's doable, and you are living proof of that. And I think what's so cool to see with your journey is that it obviously didn't start that way. And you were working really, really hard. You're trading your time for money. You were doing one-on-one work and you're doing these launches. And so I guess for people who are new to this and aren't familiar with it, what would you say were the biggest pain points for you when you were in that position in your business? What was the most frustrating aspect of the launches, the one-on-one, all of that stuff?

Felicia Streeter:

One-on-one was that... And this is funny, but what I realized too, people get a better transformation when they're in that group setting, for some reason, I don't know why, but the one-on-one, it was like they weren't as committed either. I don't know what it was, but they just didn't... I don't know. I can't put a finger on it. All I know is my group people get better results than the one-on-one did. And I don't know what that was all about. I don't know.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

I can add to that and I will echo that wholeheartedly. And I know there are people here who are running one-on-one businesses or done-for-you businesses, because you were also doing this as a service before, right?

Felicia Streeter:


Sunny Lenarduzzi:

You were doing it for people?

Felicia Streeter:

Mm-hmm (affirmative). And it worked as long as I did it.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

It worked as long as you did it. And so I can relate to that so much. And if you run a done-for-you service or you're doing one-on-one work, feel free to let us know in the comments. When I first started my business, that was what I fell into as well. And I was doing social media management and I was actually running campaigns and running accounts for my clients. And then I also was doing one-on-one consulting as well. And I can tell you from my experience in this, the results that we now have in the Authority Accelerator program, which is an online program, are far and above anything that ever happened in my one-on-one or in my done-for-you. And the reason is this, it's exactly what you just said. It works as long as you are doing the work. So it's a job. It's not a business, it's a job.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

And also when people are hiring you one on one, they're hiring you one on one because there's a certain level of expectation that you're going to solve their problem. Instead of them going, "Okay, I now have the blueprint. I now have what I need. It's been handed to me, it's up to me to do the work." So the level of accountability is sky high when it's done in this format, when you create an online program, taking all the things that you repeat over and over and over again, and all the strategies you repeat over and over and over again and putting them into an online program that people can then take and implement for themselves, which also creates a legacy business because it allows your income and your impact to be detached from the amount of time you're putting into it, which is why you're able to make money while you sleep and all that stuff. So it's great. We'd love to hear that.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

And I wanted to let you know, so if you are just tuning in, we have amazing amount of people here right now. So thank you so much for being here, close to 100 people. Awesome. Tuning in live, which is great. So if you're just tuning in, Felicia is member of our Authority Accelerator program. And she came into the program because she was doing done-for-you services and she was working one on one with clients, and she was doing launches in order to grow her business. And she was feeling stuck and frustrated by that model. So she wanted to turn her business completely evergreen, which she's been able to do.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

And if you are interested in the Authority Accelerator program, you can apply by clicking here. Okay. So, let's tackle why this niche for you. Because I always find this part interesting and I do find people get really stuck on what direction to go in their business, what niche they should pick, all of these things. Where is this niche coming from for you?

Felicia Streeter:

So for me it was... Well, okay. So in my previous marriage, it was like we had two mixture. I had the business sense. He had the construction sense. And so when he got out the military, there was a company he worked for and they introduced government contracting to us. It's amazing that a lot of people don't understand or even know about government contracting. We didn't either until someone told us about it. But with that, so our business is successful. We're doing construction, doing multimillion-dollar contracts every year and the SBA and the Women's Business Council, the people over those two were like, "Why don't you start another business?" And I was like, "Doing what? I'm busy over here doing construction stuff, very busy." And they were like, "Teaching people what you did to grow that business."

Felicia Streeter:

So in turn, I then created the business that I have today, which I really love, teaching and training anyway. And so that's what got me into doing this, but I still resisted and was still doing that. And then I think I did a video one time on YouTube. And it's really, really old, but people started finding it over time and they would ask me to help them with government contracting. And so really that's the transition that got me to really doing this full time, is that people just asked for it.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

I love it. I love it. And that's the thing. I think oftentimes when people are getting started and they're trying to uncover their niche, and I'm sure you see this a lot, it's that they go so far outside of themselves and they look at what other people are doing. And they're like, "Oh, I should do that because it was successful for somebody else." The reality is, oftentimes it's the thing that people ask you for help with that is the gold in what you're supposed to start your business around. So that really is a good testament of how naturally and organically this business came to you. And obviously you're very good at what you do and you're super passionate at what you do. It shows through in your results and your clients and all of those things as well.

Felicia Streeter:

Yeah, it was strange. I didn't have a business model even to follow with that. I think it's more people doing similar to what I do now. Not still, they don't go as in depth, but they do the foundational things and that's it. But when I started, it wasn't that many people. It's more now. So I had nothing to bounce it off of. So I had to just go off of what I knew for real.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Totally. And well, test, fail, learn, grow, repeat. And you figured it out. There you go.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Yeah. Your model.

Felicia Streeter:

There you go. So I want to get into some tactics that really made a massive difference in your transition from where you were at to where you're at now, which is a really consistent evergreen business that allows you to make money when you're not working. So let's talk about... There are couple things I want to go over. One is the transformation of going from one-on-one to a group program and solely having that, because you don't work with one-on-one clients anymore, correct?

Felicia Streeter:

Correct. Sure don't.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Okay. I sure don't. And number two-

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Of course. Of course. Number two is knowing your ideal client. I think that's super important to tackle because I remember having a conversation with you and you were like, "Sunny, I already know my ideal client. I'm fine." And then we went through the exercise and you were like, "Maybe I didn't know them as well as I thought I did." And then systems and metrics to create that consistency that you have now. And also I wanted to preface this by saying as well, which I know some people here tuning in will know this, but this is all done without any paid advertising at all. This is completely organic. And that's a beautiful thing because it leads to much higher profit margins for your business. So let's tackle the transition of going from one on one to a group program. And I think the best place to start for this because it's such a hurdle for so many people, is your mindset. Why do you think it was so hard for you to make that transition and what was holding you back do you feel like?

Felicia Streeter:

I think it's because we look at it, you think about it one on one, we can charge more, that's what we're told. We can charge more one on one. And it's like when you get into any type of coaching and if we're looking at social media and all these different things, they say, "Okay, start with one on one or start with a survey." One of the two. And they're like, "You can charge more doing it that way. It's a much easier way to get started and things like that." And really now that I think about it, I didn't think about this. Not so much because with your program and the way we transition from doing the [ICAs 00:17:14] to the POP, it was just as easy because we didn't have to create anything beforehand either. But if we didn't have you, we wouldn't know that. So most people don't know that. But that's what they said, you had to start one on one.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Well, and I think one thing I wanted to touch on that too is, and if you are in that position and you're like, "I'm doing one on one, I'm thinking one on one's the answer," the other thing you want to think about is that when you are working with people in silos, you are really creating a limit to the amount of impact that you can create and the results that you can create. And it diminishes your growth as a business. Because if you don't have client results and social proof of what you're doing, the business is going to take longer to grow. And if you're working with one person at a time, think about how much longer that takes to get results through the door. And the analogy that I use is it would be like a university taking one student a year. Imagine if that was the case. That would take so long to get people to their degree and the impact they want to create in the world.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

And so I understand the mentality behind it because it's something that I did way back in the day. But if I could start my business over, which is why I created the Authority Accelerator, I would start here, because it fast-tracks your confidence in your business and in your program, it fast-tracks your client results. And it does fast-track your cashflow as well, which allows you to grow from a place of abundance. So that was your fear around it. What were some of the tactics that you implemented from the methodology to get you from the place of one on one to going into a group setting?

Felicia Streeter:

So what I did is I realized, like I said, one of the things was a lot of the things that I was doing in the service in one on one, it was like it was a system. It was the same steps over and over every time that I took the people through the same thing. And so I realized like, okay, if I could put this in a package in some videos or whatever, then I could get some time back, but I could also reach more people and help more people. Because the one on one is like, say you take 10 clients, and depending on how many hours you spend with them, you'll max out at 10, 15 people real quick and get burnout. And then if you're charging a certain amount, whatever it is, that's it, that's all you can make, you're capped. And so I just realized that I could put something together into a system and then service more people. And then when I found you and then seeing, okay, we can put them in a group, we can do these things. I don't have to launch all the time.

Felicia Streeter:

And so it really allows me to focus on serving the clients, and not even the tactic part of it, because we can talk more strategy, which is where they really need the help. The tactics, the steps are what they are, but strategy and things specific to the individual... Because you can still do that in the group setting. And people ask me that all the time, it's like, "Well, will I get your help in the group?" And I'm like, "Yeah, everybody gets their time to shine." So you get to ask your questions and things like that, just like in your program. And that's one of the things that amazed me is because I've done other programs and I've had some where I didn't get to ask ever... Well, I asked the question, they just never got answered. But one of the things in your program and I was... And it's you, it's you for real. And so you answer the questions.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

It's me for real, this is not a hologram, it's actually me.

Felicia Streeter:

I'm telling you. Because you think you're getting one person and you get somebody else when you get in some of these programs. But we're able to ask you the questions and get your take on it and strategy because the tactics and the steps are laid out, but sometimes we have those questions specific to our needs. And so being able to transition to that.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Yeah. I think that's so important. And I think for anybody watching who is in a place where they have a business and they're not consistent, they don't have evergreen, they're not able to really scale right now because they're trading their time for money, one of the best and easiest places to start... By the way, I wanted to shout out Geeta, because Geeta's a part of the Authority Accelerator. So thank you Geeta for being here. One of the best places to start is exactly what Felicia just said and this is also exactly how I started my online course business. Take note of all of the things that you repeat over and over and over again to your clients, and all of the things that are necessary to get results for your clients. Because every single one of those things can be packaged into a system and a method. And this is a really morbid question, but I ask almost every single person who comes into the Authority Accelerator this question, and it's great to start thinking about it.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

If you were to die tomorrow, how could your business still make an impact? That's why we call it a legacy business because God forbid, if something were happen to me, my business could still live on, my strategies, my methods could still live on without relying on me. And that is a true business. That is something that can run without you. Something that requires your time and energy to run is a job. It's not a business. So I think if you're going to start somewhere, and this is a really big takeaway from today's training is, start at a place where you start documenting all the things that you repeat over and over again to clients or that you do on a consistent basis repeatedly to get results. Because those are things that you can package into a curriculum that people can study on their own and implement for themselves and create long-term results and success without having to rely on you to get the results they're looking for.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

I love it. Miranda says, "Wow, that makes more sense." So Brenda actually just asked, she said, "How did you refine your ideal client?" So I want to talk about this because-

Felicia Streeter:

That's a great question.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

... I think this is so interesting and this is the next thing I wanted to touch on, is that you had a business, right? You had a business prior to joining the Authority Accelerator, and you had an idea of who your ideal client was. And we had that conversation. You were like, "I know my ideal client, but I'm still going to do the work." Bless you for doing it, because it always makes a difference. Let's talk through how you find it and how you got more specific.

Felicia Streeter:

So I thought I knew who my ideal client was, and I kind of did, somewhat, but to really nail it down, I think that's what made the difference and got me with that POP where I did $50,000. But to get there, what you have us do inside the program is our ICA interviews. And so it's not a sales conversation, but it is a conversation with who... Well, people we think is our ideal client because we invite people to have the conversation with us. And so they self-select themselves at that point to have the conversation. So for me, they know they're interested in government contracting. So okay, from there, asking them specific questions that you give us, which is great because some of them, most of them probably, I never thought to ask, but you gave us those. And then the documentation of what they're saying, how that conversation is flowing and the keywords that they're giving us, really solidify who my ideal client was.

Felicia Streeter:

And so taking that information, it helped two things, ICA calls, take that information and then I can use it for social media post and various things to attract my ideal client. And I have a big presence on YouTube, that was from Sunny's course too. But I can now do the videos and different things, because they're telling me exactly what they want to know, what they don't know, where they're at in the process, which made creating content and a lot of stuff a lot easier, but here's the kicker. So we did the ICA calls, but it also now, these people, the ones that were ideal for my program, and based on the conversation I in turn had sales calls with those people. Now for me, I think I had...

Felicia Streeter:

So it's 50 ICA calls and probably... I don't remember the number because I didn't invite everybody to the sales call, because some wasn't a fit based on doing that call, but I had a high number. I did have a high number from the ICA calls that I could transition into the sales call. And so that was a game changer, and what I even realized, I said that's probably something... It's almost like you can use it really as a marketing strategy every now and then.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:


Felicia Streeter:

Yeah. So my plan is to every so often revisit that and do those 50 ICAs because then it generates some sales calls as well, but more high ticket or more specific, more... What's that word you used? They're more... I forget what you say.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

What did I say?

Felicia Streeter:

Maybe ideal or something-

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

They're ideal. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. More ideal. I think that's the thing. So you said so many things there that I just want to recap and touch on because that was perfect is, so I think the biggest mistake people make when they think about an ideal client for their business is they think about a category. So you're like, "Okay, well, anybody who wants to start a government contracting business is my ideal client." But they're not really. And I say this often, anybody who's in the Authority Accelerator is going to be like, "Oh God, here she goes again." But what I say is, what we have learned in working with thousands of people in this program to get their courses from just a hint of an idea to actually becoming this fully automated business, is that your ideal client and the person that you want to serve and the most successful courses come down to three factors.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

You have to know who your one specific ideal client is and where specifically they're at on their journey, where they're most likely to invest with you. Because everybody has a tipping point of when they're actually ready to do the work can make a change. And you don't really want to talk to people or deal with people who are not there. So one specific ideal client, at one specific place on their journey, seeking one specific transformation. And the reason those three factors are so vitally important to creating a highly scalable and consistent online course business is because when you're trying to work with everybody, you're constantly having to customize to each person at each different stage on their journey. So when you get laser focused, it makes you wildly magnetic. And when you do the work to actually talk to these people, like you said, it builds the foundation of everything you do.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

The reason that we put our clients through that process is because it's essentially a bootcamp. So you never run out of leads ever again. You are armed with exactly what you need to always be able to build more leads and more clients and get more people in the door, so you can create an even bigger impact. And it's not requiring a funnel. It's not requiring tech, it's not requiring anything fancy. So if things go sideways, you still know exactly how to get people in the door, which is so so so important as a business owner.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

So you totally described it perfectly. You also mentioned one thing which was YouTube, which you have a YouTube channel and you took a break from it, which we do recommend doing so that you can get super clear on who you're trying to serve. Because on YouTube, in order to actually grow, the algorithm needs to know who are you talking to? Who's your ideal client and what do you want to be known for? So I thought this was really cool because you posted this in June and you said, "I haven't posted a thing on social media since joining the program in March." And you passed 10,000 subscribers because the content you had posted was still being found in search and it was still being discovered, which is really cool to see, and it's continuing to grow, right?

Felicia Streeter:

Correct. And that was your old program, but now it's inside the Authority Accelerator. I think is what? Phase three or four or something.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Phase three. Phase three.

Felicia Streeter:


Sunny Lenarduzzi:


Felicia Streeter:

Yeah, that's what I used to get there.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Yeah, exactly. And I think when it comes to refining your ideal client and even this conversation, I think there's so much focus on creating complication in your business, especially with the online space. It's like, oh, you need to be doing bots. You need to be doing all these things. You need to have messenger chat. You need to have funnels. You need to have all this fancy stuff. The end of the day, I know this is shocking. It makes me sound old. Businesses used to be run just by building relationships. So that is the basis of how you build a long-term business. Yes, all the rest of it can come in handy. But if you don't know who you're talking to, how they want to be spoken to, how they think and how you want to market to them, none of the other stuff's going to work. Your emails aren't going to work. Your copy's not going to work. Nothing else is going to work. So it's really a foundational exercise to build.

Felicia Streeter:

And I think I used the three things that you said. YouTube, and then I started using Instagram because you talked about that in Authority Accelerator. And my email list, that's really it. I may be on the other social medias, but not so much.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

You just need to know which lever. That's what I always say. I'm like, "We put you through a process in the very first part of the Authority Accelerator to basically understand, okay, for my specific business and how I want to operate, what are the levers I need to pull to continue to make money and to make an impact?" And you identify it through doing all of this testing. And so it doesn't have to be complicated. Like ours are very, very simple. And when you know those, it becomes a repeatable process and a predictable process to know how much revenue you're going to generate on a monthly basis. So you mentioned something else where people are probably like, "Okay, I have heard of that." And some people are going to be like, "I don't know what you're talking about," which is the POP. And I do want to touch on that, but I also just wanted to say and remind everyone here.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

So, Felicia is a member of Authority Accelerator program. She was doing done-for-you, one-on-one work and launches. And she wanted to figure out how to create a predictable and consistent business and turn it evergreen and package her knowledge into an online course. So she's been able to do that. She's had phenomenal results and I'm going to get into the kickoff of that in just a second here.

But if you're interested in applying for the Authority Accelerator, you can apply by clicking here.

So let's talk about your POP. I think I have an image here. Let's just see.

Felicia Streeter:

That's right.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Pop launch recap. Yes. So let's talk about this. So if you aren't familiar with a POP, I'm going to bring that up in a second again, the POP is a method essentially that I created in order to get our clients the three foundational things that you need to really kick off a business. Cashflow, so you're building your business from a place of security and safety, and you're not constantly chasing your next client and stressed out all the time. Confidence in your offer, because raise your hand if you're terrified of selling, a lot of people are.

Felicia Streeter:

I used to be.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Yeah, you used to be, not anymore. So confidence in selling your offer and confidence in knowing your offer is really good. And then the final thing is client results. So getting those three things as quickly as possible, I've often mentioned this. I learned this really from Steve Jobs who with the iPhone was like, "I need to get this thing to market to figure out if it even works, and if people even like it and then I'll use the feedback to make it even better over time." And now we're on the 13th iteration of it.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

So your program can always get better with time, but you want to launch it first, test it first, and evolve with time. So the POP is the first thing you do before you turn your business evergreen. So with your POP, I actually think you are the biggest POP we've seen. So you did $50,000 with your POP launch in 30 days, people, 30 days. So she did all the foundational and fundamental work that we talked about in identifying and refining her ideal client, her niche is government contractor accelerator for small business owners. And she sold 13 units at a price of $4,000 and generated $50,000 in revenue and collected $34,000 in cash. So let's talk about the POP and the impact that it had on you and your business.

Felicia Streeter:

So I think the POP revealed a lot of things really. It has solidified that, okay, this process of one packaging it putting it into a group program solely can work and that I can make the income that I wanted to make, but it also gives me the ability to continue to increase my revenue, because I don't have a cap on how many people I can take at a time. I don't have an end date where okay, if you miss it, you just have to wait till two, three months down the road. Because sometimes people aren't ready or they just don't have the money to make the investment today, but they will come back. Let me tell you, they come back.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Yes they do.

Felicia Streeter:

But that's the great thing about having an evergreen where they can come in at any time, because when they come back, then they can actually join versus, oh no, you have to wait another month or two because we're not launching yet. So that was really, really great, but also getting feedback because the way we do the POP is live. And that's why I said the transition is really easy. It's no different than one on one. So it's not like you have to have a whole bunch of stuff created. And so it allows you to be able to put out the content and then get feedback every week. And then before you make it evergreen, you can make whatever changes you need to make so that it is what you want it to be. And it gets the clients the results that you want them to get.

Felicia Streeter:

And then the POP also tells you whether it's working because people get results, depending on your program, of course, but people get the results as you are going through it, like week from week, you can do the check in and say what successes they've had. And I think it's a little phrase or something you also gave us to steal from you to even pull out those results from them because sometimes people are a little shy or they just don't think to share it.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I was just talking to a client last week, actually, who joined like a year ago. And I was like, "What happened?" And we were talking so much in the beginning, they had all this momentum and then I messaged them. I was like, "Hey, I just want to check and see how it's going." And they're like, "Oh, it's going super well, we just didn't think to update you." And I was like, "No, I live for this." So people do get shy, but when you have the process in place to really get those testimonials and feedback, it builds so much confidence for you, but it also gives you great marketing material to be like, "What happened? Look at what my program's doing."

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

I wanted to also shout out LaKiesha who's in the program as well. And she said, "I'm launching my new POP to put new investors on the path to financial freedom." So way to go, LaKiesha. She's in the Authority Accelerator as well. So the POP, it really does. It kicks things off in a big way. And for you, it kicked things off in a massive way, but the real gold and the thing I wanted to talk about next, which is the final tactical thing that I wanted to touch on is, you are now totally evergreen. You are not doing launches. You are not working with one-on-one clients and you joined in March. So this has been a pretty significant shift in transformation in a short period of time. And on a monthly basis, if you feel comfortable sharing, you don't have to, how much are you generating now with your business?

Felicia Streeter:

Sure. On a consistent basis, anywhere from 15 to 20, sometimes even more than that a month.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Which is freaking awesome. And when you compare that to the launch model for you, what's the difference, how does that make you feel that you're now at this place where you know predictably what you're making every month?

Felicia Streeter:

It's a game changer. I mean, shoot, we all like money.?

For me, it gets to a point like it's a game that I play with myself. Because again, the one on one, I was capped until... I was capped because one on one is like, okay, we're going to work together for three months, six months, whatever. You're locked into that and that price. And so the difference with this, this is like, okay, last month I did this. I can say, "Okay, next month my goal is this." And I gauge it, how many sales calls I have, all of that, but I can always say it can go up because I'm not capped on how many people I can serve.

Felicia Streeter:

And then with everything being evergreen, I mean, my biggest focus is doing my YouTube, which I have backend help with that, but the videos and then the sales calls. So I have time to do all of that. Because the other thing too, if you think about it, with the one on one, if you're maxed out there, even if you could take on more people, when do you have time to talk to them to sign them up?

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Right. Right. That makes total sense. I think the thing... I just look at it on the basic level of time, and you have a limited amount of it. And when you're doing one-on-one calls and those are unpredictable, and let's say that's taking 10 to 15 hours a week. And then on top of that, you're also trying to do your marketing, your sales. You're trying to get people in the door, you're doing customer service, you're doing all the other pillars of a business. It leads to a certain level of just exhaustion. Did you ever feel burnt out when you were working in that other model?

Felicia Streeter:

Oh, yeah. All the time. And it gets... I don't know what's the feeling, but when you're doing all those things and you're maxed out with your one-on-one and you want to make more, but you can't, because you just don't have capacity. There's only so many hours in a day. And I mean, you hear things where some people say, "Oh, you should get up real early and work all day and 40, 50, all these hours." Yeah, who wants to do that? I mean, we do what we have to do, but who wants to?

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Of course. And it ebbs and flows. Yeah. If you want to, that's the thing. And I think a big part of what makes the community inside of the Authority Accelerator really magical is everyone has a different definition of success. For some people it's just making $5,000 a month. For some people, we have clients who are all the way up to $250,000 a month, $300,000 a month, which is who I spoke to actually last month, if you want to check it out on my Facebook page, that's Brandon. But everyone has a different level or definition of success. And for me, it's always been peace. I just want to feel at peace and I want to have space and I want to have time with the things and the people that matter most to me. And I'm so happy that you're now at a place that you've been able to achieve that. How important were the systems? And I know this freaks people out, but systems and the numbers and metrics that we lay out in the program for you to create consistency in your business.

Felicia Streeter:

Oh, very important. I mean, I know numbers are important, so I always say your numbers, like how much are you making, right? But how are you making that money, is really the question because it entails what's working and what's not working? And so one of the things I really liked in the program is the sales tracker that you give us because it has the formulas in there and everything. So it's like a plug and play. We just have to put in the information, and it tells us how many people you need to talk to, to get to your income goal, because it tells you as long as you're doing the work and putting the information in there, which isn't hard, it tells you your conversion rates and things like that. So that's a real game changer, that one piece there, for sure, was really, really helpful.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Yeah. And I think that's the big key here is that business shouldn't be... It is of course at times, but it shouldn't be emotional. When you know your numbers, it allows you to stay out of the emotion of the highs and the lows and the roller coaster. And it allows you to predict and project your future and how much money you want to make on a monthly basis. And the cool thing for you now is you're now doing 15 to 20K a month, you know you could do more if you wanted to. You now know exactly what you need to do on a monthly basis, if you want to grow that. And having that is powerful because it keeps you in the CEO seats instead of being at the whim of what's happening around here, what's happening externally? How important has that been for you and your peace of mind?

Felicia Streeter:

Oh, very, very important, because the numbers don't lie.?

Numbers don't lie. I don't care how you slice it. And so knowing that I know I'll make this every month, like clockwork. And that's like the bare minimum work, you know what I'm saying?

Sunny Lenarduzzi:


Felicia Streeter:

And so if you amp it up, and amping it up still doesn't mean that I'm working 15 hours a day, that's not what I mean at all. But just amping it up, maybe it's an extra webinar a month and that only takes an hour. So that's another thing, like the webinar formula that you give us, what to put into the webinar and things like that, that works, that's a game changer because whenever I go live, whether I go on YouTube or do a webinar, I'm making money. It's a given.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Yeah. It's a given.

Felicia Streeter:

I'm going to make money.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

So that's a little bonus on top of the evergreen machine that's working in the background. And we talk about that, is like any business really requires what we call on-demand and evergreen attraction method. So evergreen means that you are literally bringing in clients on autopilot. As Felicia mentioned, when you're sleeping, when you're not working, clients are rolling in, those all payment notifications are coming up at all times.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

But then there's on-demand. So let's say you need to make a little push and you want to go a little harder one month. There's also all of these on-demand methods that you can use to immediately get the satisfaction gratification of getting more people in the door. So it's really an ebb and flow and a combination of both, but the security of having something that's running consistently, that you can rely on, makes your life a lot easier when you are running a business. And I think one of my last questions for you is, you've touched on the lifestyle piece of it. But when you think about your lifestyle now versus prior to March, when you enrolled, how has it changed? How has it shifted for you?

Felicia Streeter:

Oh, I have a lot more time, for sure. A lot more free time just to, as they say, stop and smell the roses. But really…

I like the peace of knowing that I have stability in my business and the financial stability. So not having to worry about income, can I pay my bills? Things like that. But just for me, it's always been about freedom, flexibility, and financial peace, and then just peace in general.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Yeah. Absolutely. Same here. Same here. I love it. Anything that you want to share before we wrap up, and if there's any questions, I'm going to make sure that we tackle those as well, but anything you want to share before we wrap up?

Felicia Streeter:

No, just that anyone that's watching, if you're thinking about joining the Accelerator, because I was thinking and thinking, and the total transparency, I think I didn't sign up initially immediately, and hindsight, you'd be like, "Ooh, I wish I had because then I could have been a whole lot further" and things like that. Because I was like, "Well, I already know this, I know that, this, this and that, and I'm doing this." And I'm like, "Do I really need that?" But it was a game changer. And looking at it too, looking at you, Sunny, and your program, and it was like, "How do I want my business to be?" And so with that being said, joining the evergreen model, things like that, which is what you have, then who better to teach it to you? Because that's what they're doing.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Thank you. That's so nice. And I will say, if you're on the fence, if you're sitting there thinking about it... You joined in March, things have changed pretty drastically for you for the better, in a very short period of time. And why delay? What's holding you back? And I would really beg that question of anybody sitting here thinking this is something you want to do. We're starting a new year. This is the time to do it. This is the time to tackle it.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

So like I said, you can apply at the link right there, So I just want to say thank you so much to you, Felicia, for your time and also just for being such a north star inside the community, in the program. I know you've really been motivating and inspiring to a lot of people inside the program with all of the success that you've had. So I just wanted to say thank you for that.

Felicia Streeter:

And one last thing, you said I joined in March, and I did that POP in April, just so you guys know. That was all in less than a month.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Yes, within one freaking month. Yeah. One month, you got that POP up and running and made $50,000. Not too freaking shabby.

Felicia Streeter:

Oh, that's what they say, ROI. What kind of ROI are you looking for?

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Big ass ROI. That's what I would say.

Felicia Streeter:

Yeah. I was going to say, the program didn't cost nearly that much. Exactly. But well, worth the investment, for sure.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

Yeah. It's pretty incredible. Thank you so much. Thank you so so much, Felicia. You're freaking awesome. I can't wait to see-

Felicia Streeter:

Oh, thank you.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

... where you are even six months from now.

Felicia Streeter:

I know. I can't wait.

Sunny Lenarduzzi:

What in the world? We'll have to do another follow-up interview. Thank you so much. And I will talk to you very soon. Bye everyone. Thanks for tuning in.

Felicia Streeter:


Sunny Lenarduzzi:


To apply to the Authority Accelerator today, please go to:


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