"SHE" makes your world a better place
Ebenezer Bose
A coincidental writer with a business degree | ex-Chief Content Director & Creative Director @Otangata7
Disgusted with the deluded and egg-headed people I’m living with.
Our foolish and ignorant existence has hosted and blind-sighted a series of cruelty against women. The streets, ally, neighborhood and the state are not safe for women <Your Mother (Idiot)>. It took a chain of generation to liberate the rights of women from men. The paradox here is that on one hand we are standing with them and on the other hand against them. Recently I came to know about a malevolent act which still exists in my country.
Have you ever heard of circumcision? To what most you egg-heads believe, it is a practice of surgically removing the foreskin from man’s genital. But guess what these practices or rather experiments are also done on females (Aged somewhat from 5 - 7). It pertains only to a secretive majority of people in our country, and a large no. of people in the community are sightless to all the crap that’s taking place. One such bizarre and terrifying case is FGM (Female Genital Mutilation).
The week’s Nov’ 9th edition <page: 40 – The Cut and The Hurt> has a brief and a much detailed article on the issue. The anti-womanist country that both you and I occupy is a disaster zone for uplifting women.
I’m disgusted and offended from the fact that these overly bizarre superstitions exist in our country. The girls are circumcised to limit their sexual urges; I mean can you believe this stupid crap people come up with. These crimes against women fly directly against ostracizing women empowerment in all over the world.
The brutality these women have to go through, I don’t have words to express my feeling (It’s just aggression), didn’t believe the community to be this dumb. You can never fathom what girls aged 6 or 7 have to go through in the name of deity or religion.
A.J, 28 (name changed) a resident in our so-called liberal society (who was circumcised by a midwife with a razor blade) says, “My mother ensured that only a bit on the tip of my clitoris was cut. Still, it was painful.” To most people it might be tradition but as a human I think nobody has the fucking right to mess with the other’s right in the world.
Now please think of this as a reminder and respect women…. For what they are…. Even if you don’t respect them at least don’t ignore these incidents…
Please I request you to stand for Women, Children and everything that is right humanely. Cause in the end we too are mortals, these acts do not justify peace.