She Leads from Within: Intuitive Thought Leadership--The Next Steps (Part 8)
Some thoughts if you’d like to add a walk to your day:
Plan one walk, today’s walk.
? You don’t need to plan 1193 walks. You’re looking at your calendar for the best time today.
? I was careful not to say, “I’m going to walk every day before breakfast.” That plan will work some days, but not others. Instead let each day unfold as it’s going to unfold, grabbing time when it works best.
? Use the weather app on your phone. I love catching a break between rain showers. I don’t walk after it get too warm.
? Leave the earbuds at your desk. Mute your phone. Delight in the sounds of your neighborhood. Listen for the voice within.
? Walk as far as you walk.
? I was also careful not to say, “I’m going to walk three miles every day.” Instead, I found longer and shorter routes that worked for longer and shorter time slots.
Change it up.
? Some days I walked around the block. Other days I walked to the post office. One Saturday I walked a 5k with my husband. One spring we walked Disneyland with the grandchildren.
Enjoy the company of others.
? I thoroughly enjoyed my time alone outside, but I also treasured the walks I got to take with my husband, Kurt. Some days we walked in a loving stillness. At other times, we regaled each other with story after story. Kurt also helped me on several occasions when I was physically and emotionally without the energy to take the smallest step. Together we made it happen. Think about that special person who can make it happen with you.
Delight in the possibilities.
? Walking gives you time with you. Delight in it. Honor it. Cherish it.
? Finding time to reconnect with yourself is the gift of opportunity.