She Leads from Within: Intuitive Thought Leadership--Steps of Lasting Significance (Part 9 of 9)
Yes, lasting significance. Every day—for 1193 days—I’ve had a chance to connect with me. I’ve felt the joy of accomplishment and the ache of missteps. I’ve laughed and groaned. I’ve marveled at the blue heron who greets me with a flyover, also the family of coots. Each day, each walk, each step has had its own uniqueness.
Every day a few minutes outside has helped me better appreciate what I’m feeling inside, inside of me, inside my emotions, inside my head and my heart. Because every day, every task, every conversation has its own uniqueness. And when I’m better in touch with me, I’m better able to respond intuitively, to lead from within.
Is walking the answer to all our problems? No, but it might help with some. Is walking a miracle cure for what ails us? No, but it might help with others. Is walking the answer to prayer? Actually, on some days, it is.
Your gift of opportunity, too.