She had breast cancer

She had breast cancer

Pinkie Lynn was a young girl, 23 years old and fresh out of college.  She loved going out to parties or clubs and drinking.  These were her favorite places to go to get attention as she always loved to expose her over sized natural ddd breasts.  She loved the way people would always stop and look at her wherever she went. But suddenly her loved and desired attention took a frightening detour. When she noticed something wrong and the funny lump on one of her breasts, she ignored it because... she didn't want to know what it was.  

She always assumed she would have her big breasts forever. She swore that's why most people liked her. She always enjoyed the complements she received even the distasteful ones. Her best friend's mother died from breast cancer when she was 16 years old.  Her favorite Sunday school teacher had passed away from it when she was just 10 years old.  And it had also claimed the life of her boyfriend's aunt just the previous year.  Her mother warned her and told her she needed to remember to go get regular yearly breasts exams, but Pinkie Lynn never did.

So many women seem to have breast cancer nowadays.  Pinkie's grandmother went through the battle but lived to tell about it.  She kept it a secret and didn't tell anyone....... until it was almost too late.  The physicians discovered Pinkie's grandmother had a rare breast cancer and was in stage three.  Thanks to technology, a change in her diet and lifestyle, support from lots of family and friends, plus lots of prayer and support from her church, she was able to win the fight; but it almost cost her life. Her grandmother regularly exercises and works out now, follows a really healthy diet, and faithfully attends church.

Pinkie Lynn was very nervous and afraid. She cried herself to sleep that night. She knew she should tell someone and go see the doctor but she was so afraid. She didn't tell anyone and she didn't sleep well for over a week. Her mother wondered why she hadn't been her normal usual self recently. Pinkie Lynn looked like she was going to have a nervous breakdown. Finally she broke down crying and told her mom everything. Her mom gave her a big hug and told her she was taking her to the doctor's office the next day.

Pinkie never thought it could be her.  She always figured someone else would have it.  She now goes regularly to get her mammograms.  Fortunately the doctors caught it in time. She had to go through surgery and a few treatments of chemo. Pinkie changed her diet plus started working out and exercising.  She also went to see a Naturalpathic Physician and started juicing daily. She began to REALIZE the importance of breast cancer "awareness" and living her life to be healthy.  She used to never exercise or workout. Omgosh she hated to workout. UGH all of the sweat!!! She used to eat out daily and drank nearly a two liter of pop a day but.............. n o t a n y m o r e!!!!!!! She is a totally different person now with a new perspective on life.

Now Pinkie Lynne drinks more water and goes to church weekly with her grandmother. She also became a spokesperson for breast cancer awareness. All women are at risk and need to get checked yearly. Make sure you support the cure.  Pinkie lived to tell her story, smile and live to see another day.  She now has three beautiful children Riley, Cody, and Lexi, and a wonderful husband named Richard and they have been married 12 years.

Support the cure! #HOPE #GetChecked #BreastCancerAwareness #ThinkPink #JoinTheFight #FindaCure


  • About 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.
  • For women in the U.S., breast cancer death rates are higher than those for any other cancer, besides lung cancer.

Being overweight or obese has been shown to increase risk for recurrence of breast cancer and the risk of dying from it. More recently, Irwin found that exercise also helps reduce the joint pain brought on by the hormone therapy given to some women after breast cancer surgery in order to reduce the risk of recurrence.

Oct 22, 2014 American Cancer Society

Power of exercise in breast cancer survivors.

 30 and diagnosed with breast cancer

Obesity increases the risk of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Statistics from

Breast Cancer Symptoms

Ignoring Breast Cancer Signs

Have a Blessed Day!


Kel Silas CFT MHT NS


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