She broke up with him on the spot...
Brad & Megan were a young professional couple

She broke up with him on the spot...

This is Brad ...Megan broke up with him on the spot... and found a new man very quickly... Brad's experience on the other hand...

When Brad was attending University, he was a leading member of the college social club. Brad was living in the university college, and was the lad charged with organising college parties. He was an outgoing kind of guy, and seemed to be liked by most people. One time at a party he’d organised, he met Megan.

Megan was pretty keen on Brad and they had a fun time together. Later that week they got together again, and started dating. They continued on through University while Brad continued to organise cool parties, and Megan would come along, and bring her friends. They shared stories and interests, and talked about life. Things went on like this for the rest of university.

After completing their degrees and graduating, Brad managed to secure a job at a prestigious merchant banking firm, and Megan took on a job working for a charity she felt passionate about. Brad’s new job and prospect of a lucrative career forced him to work long hours, and even some weekends. This meant his University social network disappeared, and being exhausted from the job was killing any desire to go out and make new friends, and socialise. Any time he was not at work, he was at home, spending more and more time with Megan.

They tended to just watch TV or movies, and drink some wine. As time went on, Megan’s job became more involved, and she had to travel away for work. While Megan was away, Brad would spend his free time home alone watching TV, or maybe even grabbing a beer with one of his older University buddies, but it wasn’t the same as it used to be.

As even more time went on, Brad began to complain openly to Megan about her trips away. Megan was sympathetic, but began to feel pressured, and this created resentment. Fights began occurring. Brad stopped taking as much care of himself and gained weight, and Megan spent more time working away from home.

Brad had an idea one day. He started planning a lavish trip away for the two of them to central America. Brad could certainly use a break from work, and it would bring back some excitement and passion that was sorely missing from the relationship. The trip was a success, and for a short time, romance and love returned to the relationship.

But once back on home soil, and back at work, the reality quickly set back in, and after just a short time things were back to exactly the way they were before: Brad overworked and irritable, Megan distancing herself from him and travelling for work.

Brad began talking about getting hitched, but Megan wasn’t so sure. She worried her job was becoming busier, and she wasn’t sure she would have the time to plan a wedding. Brad had been saving to buy her a ring. Megan lamented that they were still young, and hadn’t experienced all that life had to offer yet. But secretly in the back of her mind, she couldn’t lose the feeling that Brad was terrified of just that - living life - and marrying her was another way to escape it.?

A few weeks later, dejected, Brad began to complain to Megan that she spent too much time with her friends and at work. Sure, Megan had been staying at work until late in the night, even on days when she didn’t have to. Brad began pressuring Megan to move in together, but Megan resisted, and this time, strongly. Brad lost his cool. He yelled that he had given up everything for her in the last few years, and she had been ungrateful. She argued back that Brad had been suffocating her with his demands for attention and affection.

Megan broke up with Brad then and there.??

Megan went on to become a director in the Charity, and after some dating she met a man and they got married 6 months later.?

After the break up, Brad focussed on work to get over the break-up, but remained distracted. This prevented him from really progressing up the chain as fast as he could have.

He spent time using online dating apps, and dated a few women, but they were average and incompatible and it never seemed to work out, and there just lacked any real chemistry. He started going to the gym regularly, and managed to drop the extra blubber, but this seemed to have no real effect on his success in attracting a great love life. He used his cash to buy nice things to make himself be more attractive. Brad began to wonder what had happened to him.

He was constantly distracted by other people around him in seemingly ideal relationships. He thought he possessed everything a man needed to attract the right women into his life, and to have the perfect relationship - one which he kept seeing others around him having.

Brad eventually became a senior manager in the firm, but he knew he had the skills to be Director by now. This just wasn’t right. What had gone wrong? How had he ended up here, feeling dissatisfied, in a constant rotating cycle of dissatisfying relationships, longing for love from the right woman, and feeling like something was missing.

He was at a loss, but knew one thing… He had to change something. But what?

I've helped countless men who've lived this experience - to make sense of their lives, and take the bull by the horns, take charge of their life and turn things around - FAST.

Dramatic change can occur rapidly with the right tools, resources, guidance and support.

If you've had a similar experience with women, dating and relationships, and want to find your mojo again - and become the most attractive, masculine version of yourself so you can stop wondering, and start attracting a quality woman into your life - then I can help you. Send me a (confidential) connection on here, and I'll reach out and see if there's a way I might be able to help you get back to winning... with women - and at LIFE!


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