Sharpen Your Edge and Know Your Why!
Sharp Edged: Giles Abban

Sharpen Your Edge and Know Your Why!



1.or what? for what reason, cause, or purpose?:

The question which we face and must answer whether in our childhood or adult hood is … what is our why? What is the reasoning behind our actions? What is our main goal and what is the overriding factor which drives us towards our goal. Unlike animals, which are driven to survive, we humans crave more from life than mere survival. Without an answer to the question ‘Survival for the sake of what’? we can quickly fall into disillusionment, distraction and a quiet sense of despair.

German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, ‘ He who has a why can endure any How.’ Knowing your why is an important first step in figuring out how to achieve the goals that excite you. Subsequently, creating a life you enjoy living. Only when you find your ‘why’ will you find the courage to take risks needed to get ahead, stay motivated when times are hard and move your life onto an entirely new, more challenging, and more rewarding trajectory.

Once you start examining your life through the lens of why, you’ll stop asking yourself. ‘What is important to me?’ We as individuals need to step away from society’s expectations and start focusing on and refining our own expectations instead. When we do this, we will see the world from an entirely different viewpoint which would allow us to be free to improve our lives in any area that truly matters to us.

Believe in why you do what you do rather than the end goal. Find purpose and fulfilment in what you do. It may sound easy but it is definitely not because when you are challenged by life, what are you going to do? When you feel like you are at your lowest point in life will you give up or will your purpose and why motivate you to break boundaries and beat the odds.

Your why is the one thing that GLISTENS YOUR SPARK. It the one FLAME THAT CAN NEVER BE BURNED OUT. “I WILL DO THIS NO MATTER WHAT” my family is counting on me!! My friends are counting on me!! I AM COUNTING ON ME!


