Be Sharp, Be Safe –Keep a TacBook on hand
Being a police officer is truly an amazing experience. But, we are not passively along for the roller coaster ride. When a cop checks out and loses focus for even a moment while on duty, safety and efficiency are compromised. Perhaps this accounts for part of the stress we experience, as we are held accountable at another level to lead, inspire, control and maintain for extended periods in a variety of scenes. There is no secret in staying ahead of the crowd. But, I find a genuine will to serve in turn breeds aspirations to gain the right knowledge and proficiency. A combat zone is complex and dynamic. The enemy blends in with the friends. Whether we are dealing with a parolee gang member who wants to kill a cop or taking care of an abused child, we must be precise in our procedures and quickly select actions from a range of knowledge. We have to apply very specific skills at a moment’s notice. Most of us are not academic scholars or scientific geniuses with photographic memories. We are ordinary people who happen to have extraordinary responsibility. New cop gadgets and contraptions are everywhere, but we ultimately only carry what we actually use. The TacBook is absolutely one the tools a cop should carry. If I review a few pages of vehicle codes or robbery response on occasion in my TacBook and other resources, I find my work to be a little more sharp and consistent, and I am therefore more accountable for the my actions. Police actions are highly scrutinized by the chain of command, the courts and the public. More importantly, we can control a large degree of our personal and partners’ safety by being sharp and efficient. The better I am at my job, the higher my chances are of coming home to my wife and daughters. Check out the TacBook and you'll see how it helps toward achieving these standards of critical accuracy. Stay sharp and Be Patrol Ready. –Marcus
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