Sharks and Your Business
Sharks are fascinating animals. Most of the sharks have to keep on moving in order to stay alive. By gently rubbing on the area where Ampullae of Lorenzini (on the edge area of shark’s head), sharks can be brought into catatonic state. Ampullae of Lorenzini are electroreceptors which are highly sensitive sense organs that are able to detect electronic fields.
What? Why on earth I am telling you this? I’m fascinated by sharks and wanted to share this little but truly great information about sharks. If you ever be too close encounter with the shark and it would try to test bite you whether you are his/her next snack of choice or if you already were bittern by the shark and you need to get away, this information can save your life. So, remember, rub or punch the shark where Ampullae Lorenzini are locating (click the link to see the picture)
Your Business Is a Bit Like a Shark
I told this little story about sharks as those great predators and business have something in common. Unless business does not move forward and keeps on developing its actions and ways to conduct business, it easily starts to sink and die. There are always a lot of things which can be improved in business. Customer service can be upgraded, customer experience can be improved, the life of clients can be made easier, and consumption of products or services can be fixed to be function better and more smooth way. Just a few examples to mention. So, run your business like a shark is living. Moving constantly. There is also another thing about business life and sharks. Running a business is like swimming in shark infested waters. There is always some “shark lurking under the surface ready to bite and eat you”. That’s business life.
Sharks are not naturally man eaters (nor ladies) but when entering waters where sharks are living, you are entering into their world, not yours. Sharks do not have hands or feet, they are curios creatures and the only way they can determine whether something is their next meal is to take a bite.
After one hair raising incident in spring 2000 I got curious about sharks especially big ones, great white sharks, tiger sharks and few others who can be dangerous if they end up trying to bite or are biting a human being.