Sharing your words with the world
Are you a closet writer? Do you have a burning desire to write a book or to share your writing with the world?
Right now I am working with a 75-year-old poet who over the years has managed to craft over 2,000 hand-written poems but never had one published.
I got linked to her through a member of Company of Women and I am so grateful to her for the introduction. To be honest, I’ve never really been a poetry fan, but I am fast becoming one.
When I read Kae’s words it’s like a window into her life - from the death of her first husband to the loss of a beloved pet. I get the sense that life hasn’t always treated her well and for many years she lived to meet someone else’s agenda, not her own.
As a result, she’s written advising young women to follow their dream; to pursue their passion, always reminding the reader that life is short, and you only have one kick at the can.
A woman full of faith, she also reflects on how blessed we all are, but dismays at the materialism she witnesses and the changes in our society that she feels are a turn for the worse.
But she has a sense of humour and that pokes through in many of her verses. When I first took an interest in her poetry, she was touched, especially when I advised her that I thought she was good. She cried and told me that no one had ever said that to her before.
I am really enjoying this glimpse into another writer’s life. It is gratifying to help her dream become a reality. Now not all 2,000 poems, but we will have a small collection to share with you all.
So if you have always wanted to see your work published, remember, it is never too late. Who knows, you could be the next best-selling author, just waiting to be discovered.