Sharing success matters …
Celebrating and sharing our success stories really matters; and it’s something that we perhaps don’t always carve out enough time to do.
Celebrating success on purpose. Now that is a bold move – but a move that is worth it for a whole host of reasons! It’s a great way to remind ourselves of our goals, align and connect with our intent and motivations, and also a great way to improve our relationships; not only with those that know us, but building new ones with those that don’t!
All too often we focus on what’s not working in business, so we can change, pivot, adapt and improve – rightly so! Yet perhaps now is the perfect time to also place a lens over the successes we achieve too.
SailGP | July 17 and 18 | The Great Britain Grand Prix | Plymouth
SailGP is coming to Plymouth this summer, and as I see it, the perfect time and platform to share our success stories with the world! A springboard that will connect us, our businesses, our city and our successes with people that want to be connected.
I have always thought that our city was great. That our businesses innovative, passionate and strong. Our people brave, bold and curious. Simply a city that is awe inspiring.
Perhaps we all need to shift from shy and become braver, after all, if you want other people to see value, we need to show them it's there!
Share Your Stories
Plymouth City Council are looking for businesses in the city to shout about what they have done and what they are doing; to celebrate what they have achieved and promote their success.
By carving some time and crafting your businesses truth; as a city we could create a powerful and beautiful patchwork story of Britain's Ocean City.
These stories will then be linked with the SailGP Site on Invest Plymouth, using three key themes: Global Connections, Inspiring Change or Talent and Sustainability.
Perhaps your business has connected globally with new partners or customers; maybe you are working with educational providers doing things differently to unlock aptitudes; you could be offering apprenticeships to engage and recruit new, young talent; working on your sustainability plans and doing inspiring things around clean and green growth.
The Economic Development Team within Plymouth City Council would love to hear from you. Simply email: [email protected] with your story or press release, with the subject header: Global, Inspire or Sustainable Stories and they will then link your business with the SailGP audiences.