Sharing Some Good News!

Sharing Some Good News!

Many silver linings amidst a challenging 2022!

2022 was quite a year for us all. For me, it was filled with deep challenges but also tremendous achievements and success.

In the first four months of last year, both my mom and stepmom died unexpectedly, a family home was destroyed by water damage, and I was thrust into homeschooling one of my kids (the kind of homeschooling where you are completely unprepared and unqualified and are making it up as you go!), and that same child experienced debilitating anxiety and social isolation. On top of that, I herniated one of my disks and for months I couldn’t sit without agonizing pain! Plus, I seriously injured both of my knees skiing (getting off the chair lift of a bunny hill. Yes, a bunny hill!).?Honestly, there was a lot about 2022 that was tough.

At the same time, I experienced significant joy and success. I got to spend my professional life doing what I love most – advising and coaching many amazing foundation CEOs and philanthropists. I experienced the satisfaction of knowing the advice I gave my clients in one-hour phone conversations saved them from wasting tremendous time and resources, dramatically reduced their stress, and permitted them to change their lives and their foundations. My husband and I bought a new house and I’m having fun decorating and envisioning the parties I will throw this summer! Most importantly, my kid’s anxiety has dramatically diminished and they are thriving at a new (public) school whose leadership genuinely cares and supports all their students.

I was especially thrilled to have received several awards for my philanthropy advising in 2022. I’m honored to be recognized by my peers for what I do, and I’m excited to share them with you:

  • Best Philanthropy Advisor of the Year 2022- USA, Global 100
  • Philanthropy Advice Award, Annual Family Wealth Report Awards 2022
  • Best Philanthropy Advisor of the Year – USA, Lawyer International – Legal 100 – 2022
  • Most Influential Philanthropy Advisor – 2022 Global Excellence Awards
  • Best Philanthropy Advisor of the Year – USA, M&A Today – Global Awards – 2022
  • Best Philanthropists Endeavour Advisor – USA, LuxLife Magazine – 2022 Global Excellence Awards
  • Top 10 Inspiring Leaders of 2022, IE Magazine?

My work advising funders and donors to increase the clarity, impact, and joy of their philanthropic giving is gratifying and energizing. I truly appreciate each of you who read this newsletter, reply with comments, share them with colleagues, and tell me how they help you lead and give.

Feel free to share this newsletter with anyone you think would enjoy it. And if you believe there is any way I can help you, please let me know. Click the button below to schedule a call with me.

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