Sharing the Road Space - Road Safety for Pedestrians, Cyclists and Drivers
SwitchON Foundation (Environment Conservation Society)
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In recent times, there has been a lot of talk about road safety in India. The focus is mainly on motor vehicles like cars and two-wheelers. However, the roads are meant for all to share, especially pedestrians and cyclists. All users of the road have equal rights over it. Motorists need to be in control of their vehicles at all times. Pedestrians need to use pedestrian crossings wherever possible. Cyclists must also use cycle lanes where available. They should always wear reflective clothing when riding at night.
Road Safety for Pedestrians
Road Safety for Cyclists
Cyclists are an important part of any city’s transport network. They help get people around quickly, reduce congestion on roads and can reduce pollution by encouraging people to cycle instead of taking cars. However, cycling does have its risks and cyclists are at risk of injury if they don’t follow the rules of the road.
Here are some rules of the road that cyclists must follow:
Road Safety for Drivers
Drivers need to be careful of pedestrians and cyclists
Drivers should be aware of the dangers that pedestrians and cyclists pose when they are crossing the road. Pedestrians can become distracted by their phones, or may be listening to music on headphones. They may step out suddenly without looking for approaching vehicles. Drivers should also remember that pedestrians who are legally blind or have low vision cannot easily detect moving vehicles and so may not hear them coming, especially if the vehicle is close behind them or has its headlights on full beam.?
Cyclists may sometimes put themselves at risk by cycling through heavy traffic without taking care where they are going, often traveling between parked cars and moving traffic along narrow roads with limited visibility. In some cases this could result in cyclists being hit by a car door being opened unexpectedly as a driver gets out of their parked car; or being hit by an opening door on public transport as people get off buses and trams at stops along busy street during rush hour times when there are often large crowds waiting near bus stops.
We need to use our own discretion and caution when driving, cycling or walking on roads. We are all responsible for our own safety as well as that of other users of the road. Let's do our bit to make the roads safer, so all have a safe journey.
In conclusion, we hope that people will think twice before they drive, cross the street or ride on the road. After all, it is a place where everyone has an equal right to be on as long as they do so responsibly and carefully.
Join us in our initiative to generate awareness among cyclists, pedestrians, and motorized vehicle riders on road safety through our robust campaign #PEDALSAFE. Visit our website to know more.
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