A great business tip from a friend that I thought I would share.
"Embrace a positive attitude to close more deals...
Rates are too high”, “the market is too hard”, “my broker is not giving me leads”, “I don’t want to work nights or weekends”, the list of negative comments in our business is overwhelming.
Today I have a piece of advice. “EMBRACE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE!”
Clients will follow your lead. Prospects will follow your lead. Your peers will follow your lead. No one wants to do business with a person brimming with negativity. Imagine if a client asked their agent how the market is and got this response.
“It really sucks right now. Rates are too high, prices are too high, and there is nothing to show buyers.”
Sadly, that is an actual response that I heard an agent say. Betting the potential client heard that now is a bad time to buy and certainly did not say “I want to work with this guy”.
Your attitude matters. It always has and always will. In an industry where markets shift often, a positive attitude is one of the time-tested things you must have and do. Imagine if the answer went like this instead.
“Well the market has its challenges for certain, but my business is good. The reality is that there are all kinds of great loan programs, special rates, and low-down payment programs that are making it a great time to buy. In fact, there are 30-year rates as low as 4.5% with only 3% down which is amazing”
The difference is night and day, one a turn off and one a turn on. I know every one of us has dealt with a lot of people, and we can agree that a smile, warm attitude, positive view of things, and a happy tone makes a huge difference. Your mindset matters, so embrace a positive one and see more closings.
And remember to be the agent other agents want to work with, be helpful, positive, focused on closing the deal, and agents will want to work with you."
I hope you liked this... I find it so true and was so glad he drew attention to it. If you need help with a mortgage, message me and I will help with a smile, a positive attitude, and great service.