Sharing global experience with the Corona Virus
This message is from David Spangler
"Blessings! As seen by us, the coming of this virus is a natural event, the impact of which is magnified by the interconnectedness of the human sphere of activity. It is not the first such epidemic, nor will it be the last. The microbial world embodies the sentiency of Gaia. It responds to fear and distress within the emotional and mental energy field of humanity. This is not so much a conscious, directed response as it is akin to a tide that rises and falls under the effect of the moon. In this regard, the effect of the virus will be in proportion to the fear which it encounters. It is not that it seeks out fear to be fed by it, but it is pulled into greater manifestation by fear and by the turbulent energies of emotional and mental distress.
This event is rooted in humanity’s current struggle to understand and manifest a global and Gaian consciousness, one that reconciles through love and wisdom the tension between the individual and the group and between humanity and nature. Unfortunately, many structures of human societies do not support such a manifestation and may be threatened by it or even oppose it. In such a context, the soul of humanity draws to itself experiences and challenges that confront it with the need for, and the urgency of, a planetary awareness, one that can build social structures that will give expression and support to such an awareness. The presence and spread of this virus challenges humanity in just this way. The impulse will be to close off for protection, but the need of your time is for cooperation for mutual aid and assistance, understanding that no one person or nation or people can handle the future alone. The need for a response of love, not fear, is profound; it is at the heart of your human struggle now as you move through challenging times.
You should remember that you are part of the microbial world. While you must do those things at a physical level that preserve your health and immunity, part of that immunity lies in your relationship with that world. Treat it as an ally, not a threat. The world is with you, not against you. Understanding this and responding with love does not mean that you ignore the workings of biology and the dynamics of physical illness. Be wise in ways of prevention and mitigation. What we ask is that you stand in calmness and love and not in fear. Be a steadying presence, not a trembling one. Be the wholeness the world is seeking. As part of Gaia, the microbial world seeks this wholeness, too."
Our challenge is that while we are interconnected physically, we are not yet interconnected in the way we need to be in consciousness and love. We have technologically incarnated a collective physical body, tied together by tissues of travel and communication, but we have yet to incarnate our collective human soul. Accomplishing this is a task for all of us. This virus may eventually be seen as an ally in helping us to do this, depending on how we respond. This time can be seen as an opportunity for something new to emerge.
We believe our greatest threat is fear, the fear that turns us away from each other or against each other. Whatever physical and social actions we must take to ensure moving successfully through this challenge, we should do so as acts of love and mutual caring, not as acts of fear. For example, we can be “socially distant” as an act of love and caring for those who share the world with us, a way to say, “I will protect you by keeping my distance for now, knowing that with love, there is no distance.” Just on a practical level, it’s been shown that fear weakens our immune system and makes us more vulnerable to illness.
Our doctors tell us what we must do to protect ourselves and our society. To take a further step, we must also stand in love, cooperation, and connection with each other and with our world. It has been inspiring to see how people are responding with compassion and helpfulness in their neighborhoods and communities. Where I live near Seattle, there are growing efforts to look out for those who may need help. In my neighborhood, there are now active programs to get groceries and medications for those who may be unable to leave their homes because they are elderly and at risk from the virus; to provide child care for those parents who cannot take time off from work but whose children are at home due to school closings; and to provide other needed services. There is even a local GoFundMe site to raise money to help financially those whose jobs are temporarily closed down and who are economically at risk. It may be the gift of this virus is to heighten the compassion with which we reach out to each other and see ourselves as part of a larger whole. What practical ways are there for you to offer help where you live?
When we stand together and help each other, we break the contagion of fear and strengthen the spirit of community that can unite and preserve us all.
- David Spangler