Sharing data between Docker host and Docker containers

Sharing data between Docker host and Docker containers

Sharing data between Docker host and docker containers

We can map volumes on Docker host and docker containers during container creation

Let’s map /root folder on Docker host to container we are about to create:

?docker run --rm --hostname dockerA --name dockerA -it -v "$(pwd)"/ ubuntu bash        

–rm:deletes container after exiting

–hostname:container’s hostname

–name:friendly docker name

-it:interactive run (i) and attach terminal (t)

-v:map Docker host volume to docker container

In this example,i mapped ~/ script to docker container “$(pwd)” -current host directory (-v “$(pwd)”/

root@ubuntu:~# docker run --rm --hostname dockerA --name dockerA -it -v "$(pwd)"/ ubuntu bash
root@dockerA:/# hostname
root@dockerA:/# ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var

As we can see,script is copied to docker container root directory (/)

What does script do:

mkdir -p /docker

if [ "$HOSTNAME" = ubuntu ];then

for f in {1..3}
echo ubuntu > "/docker/docker-$f.txt"

elif [ "$HOSTNAME" = dockerA ];then
mkdir -p /folder_from_ubuntu
for f in {1..3} do echo dockerA > "/folder_from_ubuntu/docker-$f.txt"
mkdir -p /folder_from_ubuntu
for f in {1..3} do echo dockerB > "/folder_from_ubuntu/docker-$f.txt"

First create /docker folder if it’s not exist,then it creates three files named /docker/docker-[1-3].txt then in these files writes output of $HOSTNAME variable,so if script runs on Docker host,”ubuntu” (docker host hotname),will be written to these files,and so on.

When run ~/ script on Docker host,/docker folder will be created with 3 files (docker-[1-3].txt)

root@ubuntu:~# ./
root@ubuntu:~# ls /docker/
docker-1.txt docker-2.txt docker-3.txt
root@ubuntu:~# cat /docker/docker-1.txt

Now map ~ and /docker folder to docker container,(remember,docker run –rm switch automatically deletes container upon exit)

docker run --rm --hostname dockerA --name dockerA -it -v "$(pwd)"/ -v /docker:/folder_from_ubuntu ubuntu bash        

Now not only ~ folder from host is mapped to container,but also /docker folder?(-v /docker:/folder_from_ubuntu),instead “folder_from_ubuntu” we can put any name we want.

root@ubuntu:~# docker run --rm --hostname dockerA --name dockerA -it -v "$(pwd)"/ -v /docker:/folder_from_ubuntu ubuntu bash
root@dockerA:/# hostname
root@dockerA:/# ls
bin etc home lib64 mnt proc run srv tmp var
boot dev folder_from_ubuntu lib media opt root sbin sys usr
root@dockerA:/# ls /folder_from_ubuntu/
docker-1.txt docker-2.txt docker-3.txt
root@dockerA:/# cat /folder_from_ubuntu/docker-1.txt

As we can see,/docker folder content from Docker host (ubuntu), is replicated to docker container (dockerA),but what happens we we run script from container ?

root@dockerA:/# ./
root@dockerA:/# cat /folder_from_ubuntu/docker-1.txt

Because script runs from dockerA containers,content shows dockerA.Files modified in docker container is reflected to Docker host:

root@ubuntu:~# cat /docker/docker-1.txt

Also,file deleted on container is deleted from Docker host.

Leave docker container running (CTRL+P & CTRL+Q)

Create new file in /docker folder on Docker host:

"created on docker host" > /docker/docker_host.txt        

Get back to container (dockerA)

root@ubuntu:/docker# docker exec -it dockerA bash
root@dockerA:/# cat /folder_from_ubuntu/docker_host.txt
created on docker host        

Sharing data between containers

Create new docker container (dockerB) which will have mounted all volumes from dockerA

(–volumes-from dockerA)

docker run --rm --hostname dockerB --name dockerB -it --volumes-from dockerA ubuntu bash
root@dockerB:/# hostname
root@dockerB:/# ls
bin etc home lib64 mnt proc run srv tmp var
boot dev folder_from_ubuntu lib media opt root sbin sys usr
root@dockerB:/# ls /folder_from_ubuntu/
docker-1.txt docker-2.txt docker-3.txt docker_host.txt        

As we can see,all folder are replicated from dockerA

root@dockerB:/# ./
root@dockerB:/# cat /folder_from_ubuntu/docker-1.txt

run script on dockerB and again,changes are propagated to Docker host (ubuntu) and dockerA,also,files created on dockerB will be visible on dockerA and docker host (ubuntu)

root@dockerB:/# echo "created on dockerB" > /folder_from_ubuntu/dockerB_host.txt
root@ubuntu:~# docker exec -it dockerA bash
root@dockerA:/# cat /folder_from_ubuntu/dockerB_host.txt
created on dockerB        


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