Sharing Challenges, Part 2
In our last article, we introduced the concept that sharing your personal challenges during speeches and presentations creates a compelling and meaningful message.
This week, we will continue with more detail about how this tip can be used to your advantage.
The presentations I have developed from my own experience with a breast cancer diagnosis have dealt with laughter, humor, dealing with challenges, and offering hope, just to name a few. The correlation between the challenge and the presentations may be obvious, but one of the less obvious factors has been that many people who have heard my presentation or have seen me jumping and bouncing around on stage eight years after the diagnosis and are seeing hope (these are not my words, but what others have told me). Perhaps it is hope for their future. Or in some cases, I have been told it is the first time they have laughed since their own diagnosis.
If I had not faced this challenge, I would not have this important message to share with others. I am a firm believer that we do not know what we are being prepared for! If I had not built my communication skills, I would not be able to present a message that may make a difference in the lives of others. Craig Valentine, 1999 World Champion of Public Speaking says, "Don't get ready, stay read." You just never know ...
Most of us can think of people we know who have had life changing situations, sometimes wonderful and sometimes tales of true hardship. People who use these situations to help motivate or inspire can make such a difference in the lives of others. Sometimes the communication is done one on one, and other situations allow the communication to be presented to groups of people, from small groups to thousands of people at one time. I encourage you to think about using your own personal challenges as the core of an upcoming presentation or speech.
In the mean time, don't forget to get tickets to this year's Lady Lion Basketball Pink Zone event. It's scheduled for this Saturday, February 6: I hope to see you there!