Sharing is Caring....Placement of the Month # 31
Seems a simple concept.
Yet, many kids have difficulty grasping the process.
Cute when they are two. Even a small amount of parental pride comes out. That's my kid standing up for themselves.
Most normally grow out of it with age.
Still, there are some adults who never were able to get their heads around it. Whether it is money, power or the spotlight people cling to what is "theirs".
With that in mind here is Placement of the Month # 31. Nah, no Baskin Robbins analogy coming. Carvel guy, Ben and Jerry's and Haagen Dazs. Cold Stone in a pinch.
Here at the Mullings Group we have one recurring theme. We are all in this together. Our owner and all around anomaly of a human being Joe Mullings breaks it down from day one. All on the same team. No but's. Same team.
One of the main reasons I have stayed here for 14 years is that everyone is incredibly collaborative. Never feel like we are on a project alone. Some recruiting firms have a competitive mindset. Sounds great on the surface. In my opinion, setting up an environment where people on the same team are trying to beat each other leads to distraction at the least and discord at the worst.
We take the approach that competition is external. As a team, we are unstoppable. A juggernaut. Not because we are awesome (although, c'mon... ), because we are as one. Watch 300. Violence aside the movie has some powerful lessons. The Spartans had complete confidence that each would protect the other. So they could focus on the task at hand.
Same here. Made three placements this year because of teammates. We are a rather active office so everyone is busy with their own work. Yet, on three occasions these folks took time out of their day to help me. They shared talented individuals so I could place them with other clients. Some would say, well they are getting paid for it. That is true. They are also getting paid for their own searches. They made time.
When you call our office, you get everyone on the same page doing all we can to provide a successful outcome
Cannot speak for other firms. All I know is that our group sticks together.
Everyone benefits.
Matt Kaufman works for and with The Mullings Group. The leading medical device executive search firm in the world. We succeed together. Rising tide raises all boats. Matt loves that scene in 300 when he yells THIS IS SPARTA!! and kicks the messenger down the hole. Cannot help but fire you up. Someone believing so strongly in who he is and who he stands for that they are willing to risk everything to maintain it. Together.