Sharing a brief active shooter response email to a friend and client
John B. MacLaren
★ Direct Action Inc. Business Development Specialist ★ Navy SEAL/SWCC/NSW Candidate Trainer/Mentor ★ Leadership/EQ/Team Trainer ★
Sharing a brief active shooter response email to a client
I’ve been giving a lot of thought to your comments about energency response outside. Thought I’d take a moment to give you some thoughts that ill explain and demonstrate with your staff when I come out.
The entire military world and especially the SEAL Teams trains weekly for being assaulted by surprise while on patrol in a small unit. It is in fact our whole world since we are either kicking in a door or attacking or being attacked out there on the ground somewhere. Sadly most active shooter response training trains you for small group interior response but NOT class size kid size chaos with a shooter in the open or in a sniper position We will remedy that for you and yours out there.
There’s very simple and effective tactics involved but that would have to be done in person so I’ll give some points. We will train specifically for your environment and capabilities of staff IE security, less than lethal armed and of course specifics for any armed security officer or staff since I know there is one on campus that meets the CCW and carries.
1. Drop or Run: the response to an attack is always drop and then move or move immediately. It comes quite naturally in those moments lol.
The best hiding place in a firefight in the open is is a burial ground 6 seconds later so moving to cover is the idea but your shooter is moving so your cover is temporary. We will discuss and train for making decision after decision until the threat is eliminated one way or the other.
It is quite common for teachers to want to collect al children immediately but of course that’s not always possible. Sometimes we have to take cover and then recover others.
Remember one I’m out of the kill zone I am once again the hunter and not the hunted so those teachers getting who they can to cover as fast as they can allows them to re asses and distract, attack or otherwise impede the shooter while we recover the rest of the kids.
Shooters are typically WEAK inside and out! Fear is their weapon and not expertise. When confronted by trained individual they almost always fall within seconds. What I mean by this is that even though I am unarmed the shooters ONLY weapon is their firearm and that will always be their undoing with a well trained pro active response team.
I’m thinking of setting up a few classes Out there to make the trip worthwhile so If you’d like to set up a day for all this just let me know.
Hope this info helps. Keep leading from the front my friend.
John Mac