Shared Services Center: Ask This;

Shared Services Center: Ask This;

TLDR: Ask This;

1. What percentage, on average, does your organization have in shared services for areas?

2. Which processes does your finance shared services center or organization outsource?

3. What value does your shared services organization deliver beyond labor cost arbitrage?

4. What broad geographical areas does your shared services organization cover?

5. What changes would you have made along your shared services journey based upon your experience to date?

6. Have you articulated the impact of implementing a shared services delivery model in terms of organization and staffing?

7. What services will the shared services center provide and how will the work be organized?

8. What other enablers do you expect your organization to use for its Shared Services in the future?

9. Is the shared services center culture truly different from that of your organization it serves?

10. What are the efficiencies of locating business services in shared service centers?

11. Do the representatives agree with that the isa can be adapted as necessary to situations where an entity uses a shared service center which provides services to a group of related entities?

12. Is a shared services organization the right strategy or model for the enterprise?

13. How does the shared services leadership ensure the successful transition and implementation of services?

14. How does an audit finding of a customer organization affect the shared service providers status?

15. Do shared services also fulfill the promise of turning administrative processes into a service to the business?

16. How are service level agreements used in your finance shared services center?

17. What are the approaches you have used in the past to try and retain your shared services employees?

18. Is your shared services organization employing a high number of staff relative to benchmarks?

19. How can companies create a more Agile, flexible shared services model that has real business impact?

20. Has your organization invested substantial managerial capital to establish shared services operations, yet you find yourselves disappointed by the results?

21. Is the shared services center concept something that your business should consider?

22. How well aligned is your organizations shared services strategy with its business strategy?

23. How will the shared services initiative improve the quality of services to department and staff?

24. How should public service leaders turn shared services promises into reality?

25. Does the shared service center have an appointed information systems security officer?

26. Which services should be provided locally, through shared service centers, or centrally?

27. Which processes should you include in a shared services center or outsource?

28. What is the optimal activity split between business partners located in the business units, centers of expertise and shared services centers?

29. What is the best location to set up a shared services center or to move outsourced operations?

30. What roles does your shared service center play in management and oversight of internal controls?

31. How can a shared services center manage and engage the stakeholders and interests?

32. How can a shared services center manage and engage the stakeholders and the interests?

33. Are shared services able to improve your organizations structure through consolidating processes?

34. How to apply a discounted cash flow method for measuring the impact on organization value of concentrating finance and accounting activities in a shared service centre?

35. How can a shared services center manage and engage the external stakeholders?

36. How can a shared services center manage and engage the internal stakeholders?

37. What are your shared services organizations plans to implement initiatives?

38. What are the potential business models for the different shared services structural types?

39. What is the right sequence for implementation of your shared services center and ERP solution – at the same time, before, or after?

40. What would be considered a best practice mix of locations for shared services organizations?

41. How can a shared services center deal with diverse and conflicting interests of stakeholders?

42. Why are so many organizations moving to shared services or expanding the current scope of shared services?

43. What is the difference between private cloud and internal data centers with shared services application or infrastructure?

44. Do you use email as a communications channel in your shared services center?

45. Which best practices and factors set the worlds leading shared services centers apart?

46. How should high value customers shared services experiences differ from others?

47. Are there departments that feel alienated, viewing shared services as a loss of management control for no real benefit?

48. Is success of the shared services model dependent on effective implementation processes?



Is the provider performance meeting service levels outlined in the contract?

Certify your design partners with Business and other Shared Service Capability Owners and sub-Capability Product Owners to create and maintain a holistic vision of End User Services that ensure effective delivery, management and improvement of services that align to and meet capability technology needs.?

Have you articulated the impact of implementing a shared services delivery model in terms of organization and staffing?

Review (internal) customer information with the technology team and implement technical initiatives for highly complex projects impacting multiple lines of business or across the enterprise.?

How do you understand your effect on health equity through your analysis plan?

Lead or participate in managing and supporting the delivery of technology products and services of high profile business unit (internal) clients and operationalize large scale solutions planning related to Technology Business Services.?

Which processes have the potential to gain from economies of scale and skill?

Provide quarterly updates to Shared Services Leadership regarding progress on property technology roadmap and innovation initiatives.?

Do your shared service centers and ERP systems effectively support local compliance needs?

Develop relationships and partner with the service provider teams, internal (internal) clients and suppliers to provide technology solutions and support models.?

What is the quality of programs to improve health and wellbeing in your community?

Collaborate with Information Technology to implement new technologies to improve business processes.?

What type of reinforcement and/or rewards work best to keep the participant motivated and focused?

Aid in the development and execution of Technology Finance and organization wide strategic initiatives, via specialized project work and/or project.?

What steps is your organization currently taking to drive a better customer experience?

Be certain that your strategy is identifying areas to deploy new business models and technology to drive innovation.?

What proportion of each business functions is currently outsourced or executed in a shared services center?

Secure that your design advises project teams and proposes solutions for complex and/or technical information governance and/or information technology issues.?

Does your job require spending a great deal of time with people outside your organization?

Safeguard that your group develops business case justifications and cost/benefit analyses for technology spending and initiatives.?


How do you work with customers to share risks and rewards?

Ensure your staff works with organization officials, the Multi Agency Executive Strategy Committee, HR Directors, shared service provider officials, to ensure the generation, collection, governance and management of the overarching organizations Human Capital data is in concert with regulations and supports HC data culture for informed decision making.?

Do the representatives agree with that the isa can be adapted as necessary to situations where an entity uses a shared service center which provides services to a group of related entities?

Make sure your workforce provides technical oversight for Regional Data Office platforms maintenance and demand to ensure core shared services are highly available and performant.?

Does your department/organization currently employ contract personnel to augment its staff of federal employees?

Work with peers in the Data Governance group to operationalize shared services for property, (internal) client and other master data management, including improving integration with other contributing data sources, and optimizing data sourcing and migration tasks.?

What is the quality of fiscal and financial reporting available from the system?

Work with other business groups, business analysts and IT to identify and implement solutions for external or internal requests, such as new reports, data quality improvements and reporting process improvements.?

Does the culture of your organization support a culture of health in your community?

Organize and lead companywide initiatives to ensure that data quality is maintained so that data can effectively support business processes.?

How well aligned is your organizations shared services strategy with its business strategy?

Manage and partner in the create and maintenance of required business metadata and data quality control information in aligned with respective data policies.?

What is the right approach for shared services in mid sized or small companies do you still go offshore?

Develop streamlined processes for responding to complex information requests and work with the Legal team on data production in responding to external audit inquiries.?

What is the general attitude towards outsourcing by your organization and why?

Establish and maintain credibility throughout the organization and ensure strict adherence to confidentiality and sensitivity in handling all aspects of private data and confidential matters across the HR team and organizationally.?

What are the different types of structural arrangements for shared services?

Make sure the Data Loss Prevention, (DLP), Engineering and Development team build the unstructured data protection controls that protects your organizations data.?

What have been the benefits to your organization of moving to multifunctional model?

Make sure your team is managing and administering data loss prevention (DLP) technologies and services along with other architects and engineers in the team.?


How will the target community be involved in the conduct of the collaborative?

Lead both strategic and routine functions of the HR Shared Service team, including HR Service Center Operations, development and maintenance of all HR Policies and Procedures, management of the corporate relocation program, preparation of severance agreements and outplacement coordination, HR Compliance, management of Case Management systems and the Business Conduct Hotline case management system.?

Do the representatives agree with that the isa can be adapted as necessary to situations where an entity uses a shared service center which provides services to a group of related entities?

Oversee that your organization provides feedback and input for improvement of HR service delivery and programs in the context of requests by the Shared Service Center Process/Service Management Team and COE, with priority.?

What services will the shared services center provide and how will the work be organized?

Be confident that your process communicate and interface with all areas of business and deliver a high standard of internal (internal) customer service; (Procurement, Warehousing, Finance, Shared Services, Asset Management and Operations), process changes, analysis of issues, investigation and issue resolution and provide direction for improvements.?

Is your organization effectively using technology to maintain records and process transactions?

Manage work queues manage individual and team queues for AP inquiries submitted by Corporate and facility staff using standard business communication channels and (internal) customer relationship management technology.?

What do you understand to be the key risks associated with shared services?

Ensure you also have a knack for process management and improvements, and show genuine business acumen and project management skills, along with (internal) customer service orientation.?

What process changes or enhancements are strategically most important to the enterprise?

Warrant that your company develops, oversees and/or conducts Shared Service Center wide training in areas such as harassment, workplace environment issues, conflict management and adaptations to changes in policies, procedures, regulations, and technologies.?

What role can other functions play in delivering successful finance change?

Develop experience supporting and delivering IT finance, vendor management and/or procurement Shared Services beneficial.?

How well does the environment support the business objectives of the enterprise?

Be sure your staff is responsible for providing licensing expertise to support compliance shared services activities as corrective actions, issue management, internal compliance audit, readiness.?

Is the sscs contingency planning coordinated with your organization or departments using its services?

Make sure the HRIS Analyst provides data management and analytical services for the human resources department using workforce management data.?

How is training organized to share services, best practices or intellectual capital across your organization?

Guarantee your process uses solid judgment to influence a strong risk management culture across business practices.?


How are your support functions performing in comparison with your competitors and peers?

Make sure your operation is building effective relationships with stakeholders across all lines of business and shared service functions to assess talent, create effective development strategies and plans, as well as provide coaching support to managers and high potential leaders.?

How do you / people in your community pay for services?

Assure your personnel supports the development and adoption of shared services and solutions across the enterprise.?

Which are the mistakes that other companies made while selecting the shared services location?

Safeguard that your company is responsible for oversight of existing development teams including Model Based Engineering, Model Based Design, Shared Services, and Cloud Based Engineering (partial).?

Does the governance board have access to the right information to effectively fulfil the role defined for it?

Guarantee your organization ensures all projects follow the defined development and business case processes.?

How do you use automation to shift the balance toward more value added activities?

Establish that your strategy is leading business development efforts, including Statements of Work (SOW), proposal development, and (internal) client presentations.?

Is the shared services center culture truly different from that of your organization it serves?

Be certain that your personnel supports coaching efforts around leadership development and performance management for P and C staff.?

Which skill sets are you prioritizing within shared services going forward?

Ensure your organization leads and coordinates technical resources during design and development phases.?

How well aligned is your organizations shared services strategy with its business strategy?

Partner with HR colleagues, internal leaders, and external trainers to drive innovative and high-impact talent and organization development programs and initiatives aligned with your organizations strategic goals and vision.?

Is your organization utilizing or working toward a formal performance monitoring system?

Verify that your design maintains technical quality in operating environments through the monitoring and development of advanced solutions.?

Will your talent management and succession planning practices provide the training and experience necessary to groom the next generation of leaders?

Make sure your workforce develops a strong team through training and effective organizational development practices.?


Does your organizations organizational structure support the project team and project objectives?

Make sure the Shared Services team is made up of information technology, human resources, indirect sourcing, finance and accounting professionals that support all business units.?

Are you planning to change the service configuration expand or contract it?

Warrant that your workforce develops and manages strategies to consolidate standard human resources, finance, and information technology transactional activities in a shared services environment.?

What capabilities are now needed in a leading shared services organization?

Work with Account Managers and your network to proactively identify and pursue (internal) clients that may lead to human capital and business solutions transformation.?

How do you identify and communicate your health equity success stories?

Certify your workforce communicate human capital and business solutions effectiveness issues and trends.?

Did your organization add, substitute, or remove any supported organizations during the tax year?

Safeguard that your organization serves as an integral member of a team providing escalated Human Resources support to Team members.?

Is it cost reduction, is it standardization, is it deployment of new technology, is it data quality and integrity?

Partner and collaborate with Human Resources, Finance, and IT to evaluate reporting, communicate updates and prioritize improvement opportunities and to ensure seamless systems integration, process efficiency, and standardization.?

How should public service leaders turn shared services promises into reality?

Lead current state human capital and business solutions operations assessments and interviews.?

Is your organization utilizing or working toward a formal performance monitoring system?

Verify that your personnel responds to escalated inquiries or service recovery into the Human Resources Service Center via telephone, website, or email utilizing all available tools and resources.?

Do you see changes or big issues in the community that have or will affect your organization?

Provide leadership and expertise for the full scope of Human Resource (HR) functions including all aspects of professional relations, hourly relations, employee benefits, compensation, employee involvement, practices, training, organizational change and development and communications for a (internal) client group(s).?

Do the retained and outsourced operations align with business goals & strategies?

Develop experience working with outsourced service providers, Human Resources information, accounts payable, accounts receivable and general ledger systems.?


Does the structure support the accomplishment of your organizations mission and strategy?

Establish that your operation is responsible for successfully executing enterprise-wide Information Security controls and processes that protect your organizations data and functions across all business areas, adhering to data protection standards, procedures, regulatory oversight, and technical solutions for the Information Security department.?

Do recent data on hardware and software expenditures support the bottleneck characterization?

Facilitate the improvement of IT Security services and support team through the development and implementation of necessary action plans.?

How do you distinguish between your governance role and that of a supporter or team player for your institution?

Establish that your group works with stakeholders to provide security solutions that support the business requirements.?

How do you integrate health equity principles in the data gathering process?

Design, develop, test, customize and troubleshoot DLP security systems and solutions to ensure protection of IT assets, business functions and requirements.?

Do you integrate support functions to reduce your costs after the integration/divestiture?

Interface so that your team identifies, develops, and implements mechanisms to detect sensitive data and security incidents in order to enhance compliance with and support of security standards and procedures in place.?

What are the potential business models for the different shared services structural types?

Verify that your team is integrating data security tools, standards, and processes into the product lifecycle including data and privacy by design principles.?

What will the future workforce look like and how will the digital operating model fit in?

Secure that your workforce serves on the Cybersecurity Team in positions such as Information System Security Manager and/or Information System Security Officer developing, publishing, and managing cybersecurity plans and establishing standard operating procedures.?

Are the locations where services are provided too distant, inconvenient, inaccessible, or unsafe?

Make headway so that your personnel is responsible for enhancing and improving data security for each business and the entire enterprise.?

What are the appropriate reporting relationships for shared service centers?

Ensure your personnel is producing metrics reporting your organization of data security programs and performance of organization against requirements.?

How would you characterize your most anticipated challenges in adopting shared services?

Apply broad cybersecurity background to operational, risk management, strategic, and programmatic support for a wide range of overarching cybersecurity initiatives aimed at deploying and managing overarching cybersecurity shared services.?


Are any outages affecting critical infrastructure or health care facilities?

Collaborate with internal business partners to understand demand and supplier trends, and analyze financial information related to total cost of ownership to identify opportunities for improvement and cost savings/reductions consolidating like needs across the organization or determining and joining shared services efforts for system-wide participation in services and supplies contracts.?

Which functions are critical to ensuring success at the local level and which can be managed at the center?

Secure that your organization directs communication and maintains effective relationships with internal business partners, including shared service teams, and other internal sources to ensure interdependencies across teams are understood and effectively managed.?

Do the representatives agree with that the isa can be adapted as necessary to situations where an entity uses a shared service center which provides services to a group of related entities?

Guarantee your strategy analyzes data on all payments for each employee and provides monthly input on erroneous third party vendor benefit payments to the Payroll Manager for submission to Shared Services Center for account adjustments.?

Is your finance organization sufficiently flexible to address increasing business complexity and an accelerating pace of change?

Establish that your process delivers strategic and operational direction for planning, designing, implementing, and maintaining your organizations database, middleware, business intelligence and shared services infrastructure.?

How do you distinguish between your governance role and that of a supporter or team player for your institution?

Ensure you provide expertise to your (internal) clients across all industries through your capabilities in areas like Organization Design; Change Management; Shared Services and Support Functions; Culture, Purpose and Engagement; Leadership and Talent; and Agile Ways of Working.?

Will the leave administration role/function be housed at your organization or centralized at shared services?

Make sure your company partners with IT and business leadership to establish new Product and Shared Services delivery teams.?

What are the efficiencies of locating business services in shared service centers?

Guarantee your team drives and oversees continuous measurement, develops and improves (internal) customer service quality, and develops efficiencies across the Finance Shared Services Center.?

Can the information that you receive in your job be interpreted in several ways and can it lead to different and acceptable solutions?

Coordinate with Finance team, both Shared Services Center personnel who handle accounts receivable processing, and Business Line (M and C Water) Finance who have contract specific knowledge and involvement to help interpret and confirm billing matters.?

How do you see your responsibility to/for other partners and staff in the Business Unit?

Ensure strong focus on (internal) customer service, working as a supportive escalation expert to the HR Shared Services Center and a valued partner to other COEs and HR Business Partners with priority.?

How much senior management time should be allocated and could be allocated?

Oversee that your operation is responsible for understanding the technical configuration of departments network and leading your organization integration into a cloud based shared services platform.?


How do you identify and communicate your health equity success stories?

Make sure your workforce implements new processes to transform existing business processes into effective shared services function; monitors business processes and identify process improvements initiatives.?

Will organizations / units will buy off of standard contracts, as opposed to personal preferences?

Be sure your group acts as a liaison between business leaders, COEs and HR Shared Services to ensure understanding and consistent application and execution of processes, programs and priorities.?

How compliant is your service provider with the standard operating procedures and policies?

Support assessments and requirements gathering for shared service and business process outsourcing operating models.?

How do you combine your current shared service centers with finance and accounting outsourcing to enhance risk and performance management?

Safeguard that your design promotes an effective relationship amongst the Finance Shared Services Center, the business unit, other corporate departments and ensures effective operational processes.?

Are primary health services for the clients you serve adequate and accessible?

Evaluate partnership between Shared Services and Recruitment to determine which processes need to be streamlined and documented to positively impact the overall management involvement.?

What other enablers do you expect your organization to use for its Shared Services in the future?

Partner with key stakeholders to design processes underpinned by key design principles, policies, accountability matrices and clear handoffs to enable optimal delivery models via center of excellence and shared service centers.?

Is customer analytics performed by a shared centralized group in your organization?

Verify that your design manages the payroll process submission with Shared Services for centralized processing.?

Is the customer or partner organization able to extract the data with little to no cost?

Make sure the Director, Business Operations is responsible for developing, maintaining and the continual improvement of business processes across operations verticals including title, escrow and shared services/SOU.?

What are the success and failure factors for shared services across different contexts?

Facilitate integration across teams, specifically process automation, center of excellence, shared services and offshoring.?

What are the reasons and/or perceptions that lead to business units/segments choosing to opt out?

Lead the Capital Planning process for the Shared Services organization.?


Are you using your rewards to drive employee engagement and organizational performance?

Be confident that your team leads strategic infrastructure and security planning to achieve business goals by prioritizing keeping the lights ON efforts with newer enterprise system implementations, coordinating the evaluation, deployment and management of current and future infrastructure and security technologies using a risk-based assessment methodology.?

Which best practices and factors set the worlds leading shared services centers apart?

Operationalize establishing and maintaining internal control processes and practices which help ensure that the enterprise security risk management program remains current and incorporates/aligns with industry standards and practices including SOC 1, SOC 2, and ISO 2700X.?

How will the shared service center be able to meet your complex research administration needs?

Ensure your company works independently or as a member of cross functional teams on initiatives to meet enterprise security and information risk management goals and objectives.?

Does the culture of your organization support a culture of health in your community?

Oversee that your process is involved in understanding, assessing, and applying IT risk management disciplines in support of business lines and overall function.?

Is the item or service the most cost effective way to meet the members needs?

Identify and define data loss prevention classifications and work with business to classify all artifacts into specific categories, based on security and risk solutions that meet business needs.?

Which best practices and factors set the worlds leading shared services centers apart?

Partner with business and support areas to ensure risk management processes are effective and representative of best practices.?

Which channels of distribution should your organization use to market its products abroad?

Advise your organizations Business Development and Operations teams on insurance, licensing and risk related matters, enabling your organization to support commercial partner requirements and facilitate growth.?

Why is your organization or senior management vision so important for Shared Services Centres?

Make sure the Security Risk Management Analyst invest in the day-to-day execution of governance, risk management, and information assurance processes and initiatives with a focus on supporting formal audit and compliance activities.?

Is the customer or partner organization able to extract data with little to no cost?

Oversee that your organization owns coordination of Climate Risk business activities including strategic planning, transformation and strategic initiatives management, management routines, and communication activities.?

How the need to generate additional revenue influences governing and organizational structure?

Liaison so that your organization serves as primary lead on Risk Management policies and procedures relating to data protection and internal collections.?


Do you need program management support to the transform delivery of your support functions?

Oversee that your team partners with HR Shared Services and HR Centers of Excellence to deliver HR Service Model, including resolution of employee inquiries and issues.?

Does the structure support the accomplishment of your organizations mission and strategy?

Provide communications support for HR Centers of Excellence, including key employee programs and priority initiatives including the development of your Shared Services function.?

What are other areas in IS that are relevant for or have similarities with shared services?

Safeguard that your process functions as the HR representative in conducting escalated employee investigations and collaborates with appropriate HR Shared Services team members.?

Is shared services ability to improve controls paying dividends for your organization?

Check that your personnel partners with HR shared services to identify and deliver process improvements that improve employee involvement.?

Have you successfully outsourced any internal business functions in the past?

Provide high quality involvement to internal stakeholders and employees by leveraging shared services and outsourced partners for transactional activity.?

What changes would you have made along your shared services journey based upon your experience to date?

Make sure your organization processes and approves requested HR system changes submitted via self service by employees and managers.?

Is your organization utilizing or working toward a formal performance monitoring system?

Establish that your design assures Employee Self Service transactions completed by (internal) customer Service specializations are processed efficiently and effectively utilizing appropriate technologies.?

What steps did you take to overcome the people, technology, and process challenges?

Guarantee your strategy ensures Human Resources policies and procedures are communicated and followed, including recruiting, compensation, benefits, and employee relations.?

Do you have a good understanding of your organizations requirements and available resources?

Guarantee your operation is ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential and protecting personal information when processing transactions and addressing employee inquiries.?

Has your organization worked with the community and stakeholders to understand and prioritize needs?

Manage the maintenance of employee profiles, process employee profile changes/updates.

Porendra Pratap

Bachelor of Commerce - BCom from Nizam College at Hyderabad Public School

2 年


Musab Qureshi - ???? ?????

Experienced Expert with AI Prompt Engineering | Business Process Improvement | Business Analysis | Org Design | ITIL/ITSM | CX | Project Management | Digital Transformation | UX | Strategy

2 年

A good way to begin such an assessment. The challenging part comes when recommending initiatives to address gaps. Also coming up with measures to qualify or quantify the improvement. Nonetheless some probing questions that no doubt are a useful way to initiate this.?


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