Shared perspectives #1: Personalized Medicine future in Europe, from regions to Union, and back…
Christophe MICHEL, PhD
Market access maverick. Life Science value and content creator. Turns complex challenges into therapeutic and diagnostic opportunities
Our interviewees: Dr Eva-Maria Stegemann [EMS-left ] has a science, business and industry background and is involved in multiple European Personalized Medicine projects. Gianni D'Errico [GDE- right] is International Project Officer & European Affairs at Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences, a non-for-profit research organization based in Tuscany. He is also the coordinator for Regions4PerMed, a European-level project that aims to accelerate uptake of PM by encouraging stakeholder engagement and investment in PM initiatives, and vice-chair of the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine.
Key takeaways
·??????Making intensive use of health-data and information technology, personalized medicine (PM) shifts the treatment paradigm from a reactive to predictive and preventive one. This could trigger cost reductions along with the improvement of patient outcomes. It also provides business opportunities for EU life sciences innovation.
·??????PM challenges national and regional authorities to change from a reactive healthcare system that waits for symptoms to show up, to a preventive and predictive system that uses risk assessment and intervention to nip illness in the bud.
·??????However, as Regions4PerMed leaders Dr Eva-Maria Stegemann and Gianni D’Erico shared, there are several challenges to the real-life implementation of PM including reimbursement of innovations, complex stakeholder management, regional inequities, and data privacy.
·??????Nonetheless, regions have piloted interesting PM projects such as Centers for Personalized Medicine in Baden-Wuerttemberg Germany and individual patient guides in region Saxony, realizing benefits to patients.
·??????PM in Europe is growing, given joint projects such as the European Partnership on Personalized Medicine and great interest from public and private sectors.
What are some benefits of Personalized Medicine (PM) and why is it such a powerful concept?
[EMS] In recent years, there has been an exponential growth in biologic knowledge, health data collection and our ability to learn from it. PM offers the potential of individually tailored and optimized disease prevention, making use of IT and health data. This leads to treatment with higher effect sizes and fewer side effects than current conventional “one-cure-fits-all” approaches. Thus, it is more beneficial for the patient.
[GDE] PM creates new knowledge for diagnostics and therapeutics which still need to go through rigorous clinical validation pathways. The main value, currently, is to develop better and targeted solutions for patients and citizens.
More efforts are needed to reduce costs of PM practices and allow future savings for the healthcare systems. In the next stage, also thanks to public-private partnership, PM can create industrial and commercial value, making the EU life sciences sector more competitive on the global scale.
?What are the challenges of directing European Union’s and nations’ PM policies at regional level?
[EMS] The first significant challenge is cost-coverage mechanisms. For the average patient, an innovative treatment approach relies on insurance-based or government-covered reimbursement, partially dependent on regional policies. Even though patent-protected, and individualized treatment offer better outcomes for the individual, some of them are very costly, and their reimbursement coverage can be problematic. The health care system cannot expand indefinitely cost-wise.
Secondly, equitable access to innovative diagnostics and therapies is difficult. Indeed, they may require specialized equipment, available only in specialized centers, thus limiting patient accessibility. Accessibility therefore also varies across and within regions in Europe.
There is still a long way to go, but we are now laying the foundation of individualized approaches, needing total rethinking of patient pathways, diagnostic and evidence-generation strategies.
?[GDE] An important emerging challenge is the need for centralized health data infrastructures, accessible to researchers and innovators as the current regulatory framework for data privacy[1], represents a main hurdle. Nevertheless, the new regulation for a European Health Data Space is under discussion at the European Parliament[2]?and could potentially help to overcome these bottlenecks, providing the right frameworks to regional policymakers.
What specific challenges did you find in your regional healthcare system when it came to adopting personalized medicine?
[EMS] Introducing innovative approaches into a complex and fragmented system requires time and effort. German regions provide an excellent set-up for piloting new approaches. However, the transition from pilot to regular treatment is not always straightforward as this involves many stakeholders.
[GDE] It is important to invest in PM research and innovation for future benefits in tomorrow’s healthcare. However, there can be more immediate, competing interests, such as tackling an urgent Covid-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, reducing the efforts in research and innovation, including in PM, will negatively impact long-term competitiveness and benefit to patients.
What can national healthcare systems or supranational organisations (e.g. EU, WHO) learn from regional PM initiatives?
[EMS] Most innovation starts at the local or regional ecosystem level and can then be transferred or tailored to other regions or the national level or above. Two encouraging examples to share in Germany:
1.????The German federal state Baden-Wuerttemberg has piloted so-called “Centers for Personalized Medicine” in oncology which are now being implemented throughout Germany to most university-clinic-associated comprehensive cancer centers, possibly expanding the concept to other disease areas in the future.?This model project is funded by the G-BA Innovation Fund, and systematic knowledge transfer and certification procedures to other stakeholders have been established.
2.????The regional Saxon Cancer Society has developed and implemented the “Onkolotsen” concept. This is an individual patient guide for oncology patients, who helps cancer-patients to navigate their personalized patient-pathway. Such concepts are especially important for life-threatening diseases and emotionally stressed patients with complex treatments and patient pathways as these need appropriate support in such a situation.
This concept has a high social value. It provides emotionally stabilizing support, improving treatment adherence and eventually patient outcomes.
[GDE] National policymakers and supranational organizations play a different role to regions. While regions implement policies and pilot projects for learning, national policymakers and supranational organizations play a fundamental role in setting goals and standards, releasing new policy recommendations. This pushes regions to maintain constant commitment to PM.
What did you learn during these 4,5 years at the Regions4PerMed project?
[EMS] The introduction of novel therapeutic approaches requires the engagement of many different stakeholders and instances in a complex system. The real challenge for the health industry, especially for SMEs is to navigate the complexity of the EU, market access regulations, regional and national reimbursement systems, guideline adjustments, medical practitioners’ education in a highly fragmented, non-uniform setting. Therefore, a supportive regional setting is very important. We saw very nice examples of such projects thanks to the Regions4PerMed program. Information can be found in our reports at .
[GDE] We have been impressed by the level of innovation that regional authorities can generate, especially in those regions with high interaction between public and private sector and where intermediate organizations are well structured and efficient (technological clusters, bio-incubators etc.). These regions have been able to create outstanding innovation eco-systems, contributing to smart specializations and are more able to ease the market uptake of PM solutions.
How do you see the future for PM in Europe?
[EMS] I am very hopeful that Europe will move towards the implementation. However, we need to pay sufficient attention to developments outside of Europe: numerous large US-based tech companies and possibly also their Chinese counterparts, have significant financial resources, outstanding IT capabilities, a successful innovation track record and a high interest in the health market. They have already gained significant access to health-data and are interested in PM. In addition to paying attention to health-data hungry players, Europe also needs to foster its regulations in a way to protect European citizen interests while making it possible for data-intensive innovations to emerge in Europe, with European players in the meantime.
[GDE] I believe we are now in a crucial phase for the realization of PM potential, the investment that member states, regions, and the European Commission are preparing in initiatives like the European Partnership on Personalized Medicine[3] will most likely be a game changer in the sector.
These initiatives will further support general and joint investments in PM research and innovation, will de-risk private investments, and generate vital scale economies allowing the sustainability of the public healthcare system.
[3] EP PerMed: Towards a European Partnership for Personalised Medicine.
Strategist for Vision Zero Cancer- mission-driven innovation in cancer
4 个月Kjetil Tasken
CEO and cofounder at PRAMOMOLECULAR GmbH
1 年Great Article!
?? Diagnostics Business Strategist | ?? Startup Coach | ?? Author
1 年Valuable insights, thanks for sharing Kash Cheong-Baden Christophe MICHEL Gianni D'Errico Eva-Maria Stegemann