Share Your Entire Blog Listing with a Twitter Moment
Facebook has Albums and Video Playlists, Googleplus has Collections, Pinterest has Boards, YouTube has Playlists too, LinkedIn has Company and Showcase Pages.
And Twitter had no way of collecting posts into storyboards which themselves form single shareable objects in their own right... until recently. "Moments" are twitter's answer to allowing users to generate collected, themed works on that platform.
Of major benefit to bloggers in particular, this allows for sharing of multiple blog posts in one go, hopefully with the Moment being able to tell stories greater than the sum of the parts.
Let me demonstrate via a few examples.
Launch Announcement
Here, I have used a Moment to announce the launch of a new Joint Venture with Neville Gaunt.
Take a look inside and you will see the story consists of some inspirational quotes, a few blog posts we have each published here on Niume, and some introduction tweets and feedback from other tweeters.
And to make the point about Moments being shareable entities in their own right, here is how they embed in a LinkedIn post for example:
They are also dynamic, because we can add, edit, re-arrange the content of the Moments at will. So the above announcement might look like a static link, but where it takes the reader could have the tweets in a different order, for example, if they visit the link at different points in time...
Themed Niume Posts
In this example, I have collected some of my Niume, in particular those concerned with health and wellness into a Moment.
Again, new posts in this theme can be included into the Moment as I publish them here.
Index of Posts
Here I am curating my entire Niume contributions into a list:
This is not just a portable way to share all my Niume posts in one go, but shows how Moments can be used to create useful indices and reference lists for self-use too.
Tweets of Moments
Now, we have discussed how Moments are shareable objects, and this of course means they can be tweeted too. This is a tweet of the Index Moment above:
which I have pinned to the top of my twitter profile. So now in effect I have pinned my entire Niume content to the top of my public account!
Moments of Moments
Now, here is one of my usual cunning and innovative ideas. Since Moments can be shared as tweets, and Moments are collections of tweets, we can create a Moment out of our Moments. Now we have single shareable objects which can be vast collected works. Like this:
So next time your on Twitter, do take a moment to consider Moments.
Quality of Life Improvement for People Affected by Parkinson's Disease
8 年I note the embed of a moment has not worked here :-(