The SHARE Newsletter: August 2022

The SHARE Newsletter: August 2022

Happy 55th ASEAN Day

Today, August 8th is ASEAN Day which commemorates the signing of the ASEAN Declaration on the same day in August 1967 in the main hall of the Department of Foreign Affairs building in Bangkok, Thailand by the five leaders and the Foreign Ministers of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.

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Launch of Batch 8 of SHARE Virtual Exchange / COIL Scholarship

Two info sessions for the implementation for Batch 8 of SHARE's Virtual Exchange and Collaborative Online International Learning (VE/COIL) scholarship programme were delivered for SHARE Partner Universities (SPUs) and Students on the 7th and 8th of July respectively.

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Announcement of Batch 9 of SHARE VE/COIL Scholarship

SHARE has announced an additional VE/COIL batch (Batch 9) to be implemented from 1 October to the end of November. This batch would be the pilot batch to be used along with the ASEAN Virtual Exchange & COIL (AVEC) platform and SHARE's Digital ASEAN EU Credit Transfer System (DAECTS). SHARE Partner Universities are encouraged to submit their VE/COIL course applications to SHARE before 15 September 2022.

Second SHARE National Seminar on Microcredentials held in Bangkok

The second SHARE National Seminar entitled “Microcredentials in Thai Higher Education: Opportunities, Challenges, and Outlooks from ASEAN and Europe” was held in cooperation with King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI) both online and on-site in Bangkok, Thailand on 20-21 July 2022.

Featuring a mix of speakers and participants from academia and business/industry, the seminar explored the relevance of the trending topic of micro-credentials in Higher Education for the academic community and for industry stakeholders, especially in addressing the skills gap and in supporting lifelong learning.

In addition to the Thai context, the seminar provided a platform for HE experts in ASEAN and Europe to exchange experiences on existing micro-credential initiatives in their respective countries and share potential solutions to tackle challenges in implementing micro-credentials.

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The seminar was attended by 502 participants (102 on-site attendees and 400 online attendees). As a result of the seminar, participants reported a better understanding of what micro-credentials are, as well as an appreciation of their relevance and potential for the industry and for supporting lifelong learning.???

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SHARE Policy Dialogue 15 - Envisioning the Future of a Common Higher Education Space in Southeast Asia

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The 15th SHARE Policy Dialogue was conducted over the course of two days, 27 – 28 July 2022. SHARE Policy Dialogue 15 was held in a hybrid format in Ha Noi, Viet Nam, under the theme “Envisioning the Future of a Common Higher Education Space in Southeast Asia”. The Dialogue was co-hosted with the Ministry of Education and Training of Viet Nam and organised in partnership with the Education, Youth, and Sports Division of the ASEAN Secretariat (EYSD ASEC), SEAMEO RIHED, the ASEAN University Network, and UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education.

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Through Policy Dialogue 15, the SHARE Programme successfully brought together key stakeholders to share information, exchange views, and propose strategies to establish a common higher education space in Southeast Asia. This forum allowed regional higher education partners to continue to explore innovations and initiatives contributing to the transformation of higher education in Southeast Asia.

The Dialogue was participated in by over 200 people (65 people presented in Ha Noi and over 150 people online through Hopin and YouTube). The recordings of the Policy Dialogue are viewable on the SHARE Programme YouTube channel.?

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Launch of the Roadmap towards a Common Higher Education Space in Southeast Asia

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Higher education is a key modality contributing to Southeast Asia's regional development, integration, and connectivity agendas. Held on Wednesday, 27 July 2022, during the 15th SHARE Policy Dialogue in Ha Noi, Viet Nam, the ASEAN Secretariat, the SHARE Programme and the members of the ASEAN Working Group on Higher Education Mobility (AWGHEM), including SEAMEO RIHED, the ASEAN University Network and UNESCO, officially launched the ‘Roadmap on the ASEAN Higher Education Space 2025 and its Implementation Plan.’?

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The Roadmap envisages a resilient and sustainable Common Space for Higher Education in Southeast Asia that enables greater harmonisation and internationalisation of the region’s higher education systems. It is reflective of the new reality for education worldwide and proposes adaptive and sustainable approaches in responding to the changing context of higher education. This includes augmenting access and inclusion to internationalised higher education provision by students through digital transformation.

The launch was officiated by H.E. Dr Nguyen Van Phuc, Deputy Minister of Education and Training, Viet Nam, H.E. Mr Giorgio Aliberti, EU Ambassador to Viet Nam, and H.E. Dato’ Lim Jock Hoi, Secretary General of ASEAN. The launch was followed by congratulatory remarks by the regional stakeholders including; Mr Luká? Gajdo? (Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the EU Delegation to ASEAN), Mr Philip Masterson (Officer in Charge, SEAMEO RIHED), Dr Choltis Dhirathiti (Executive Director, ASEAN University Network), Mr Libing Wang (Chief, Section for Educational Innovation and Skills Development, UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, Thailand), and Mr Darren McDermott (SHARE Programme Team Leader).?

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