Share Local Media - Meet The Team: Ben Chapman
Share Local Media
Introducing a premium direct mail solution for startups, technology companies, and high quality brands of all types.
The meet the team series is a way for us to tell the stories for a wide range of employees at SLM and highlight some of the awesome employees we have!
Coming from a background working primarily in non-profit communications, Ben describes their transition to the Senior Marketing Associate role on our Solo Mail team as quite a new and exciting opportunity for them! Originally from Fairport, NY (right outside of Rochester) Ben has lived in NYC for the past four-and-a-half years and has been with SLM for about one year now.
How would you describe your job to someone who does not work in your field?
I'm somewhat of an account manager and somewhat of a project manager for direct mail campaigns. I strategically build campaigns for clients, while also working with our data and production partners to ensure a seamless client experience.
Why SLM?
During my interview process, something that stood out was everyone was so nice and welcoming. I feel like everyone really took the opportunity to get to know me on a personal level, which made it easier to form relationships when I first started. Since I've been here I've made a lot of great friends, who I'm lucky enough to see regularly outside the office.
What is the biggest misconception people have about your job?
Even for me, coming into this job I didn't realize how many companies still utilized direct mail. I had received shared mailers from SLM in the past but didn't even realize how much of a hand that SLM has in many different direct mail jobs.
What energizes you at work?
Casual conversations with co-workers! Being remote for the first few months of the job was somewhat isolating so it's great to have people around to take coffee breaks with, eat lunch with, or even just go on afternoon walks.
One surprising fact about yourself?
I currently have almost 50 tattoos! I've given myself some hand-poked tattoos but one of my goals this summer is to get a tattoo license and start practicing on myself more.
You need to give an hour-long lecture with no preparation. What topic do you choose?
The Real Housewives multiverse!
Interested in learning more about SLM and the team visit us below.