Share Copied text between PC and Mobile Using Microsoft SwiftKey

Share Copied text between PC and Mobile Using Microsoft SwiftKey

You can use Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard to sync your copied text between any android and PC or Laptop based on Windows 10 operating system. Here are some steps you need to follow to enjoy this wonderful feature from Microsoft.

Note: Create one Microsoft Account if you don’t have one already.

Steps to Follow:

  • On SwiftKey Android

  1. Open your Microsoft SwiftKey app.?
  2. Tap on Rich input > Clipboard.
  3. Tap the ‘Sync clipboard history to the cloud’ toggle.

  • On your Windows 10 PC?

  1. Go to Settings > System > Clipboard.
  2. Tap the ‘Clipboard history’ toggle to on.???
  3. Tap the?‘Sync across devices’?toggle to on.??

--> I hope you may like it.


