Share a Book!
My little granddaughter of 6 years old today told me she was "roaming the house waiting to get out" and I burst out laughing! I know how she feels!
It occurred to me that a whole lot of us are doing the same thing, and as I wandered from my "outdoor" office to my indoor office 'roaming' when I passed two library rooms that over a lifetime of collecting books from here and there and everywhere, that this may be a good time to share a book.
Over the years, family and friends, strangers, and neighbors have received books out of the blue from my collections and today I've decided it's a good day to start sharing the wonderful author's of the world and perhaps with very little effort or cost that I would start sharing a book a week. As we face such enormous obstacles in our day to day existence, maybe just a little gesture of sending out a book to someone that may look for a little escapism into a wonderful novel, or an animal book(too many to count) or a great literary piece of poetry from ages gone by, could be a rescue from what is before them/us.
Our friends are heading up north to the Hopi and Navajo nations to bring food and as I contemplate which books to send in our giving box, I'm reminded that though I've loved all the books I've collected, I would need another lifetime to read them all! Maybe you too have a book that a neighbor, or family member or friend and stranger can read-to bury themselves in as we all roam the house-waiting to get out!
Since first thinking of this I've decided to send out a Louise Erdrich novel, as she is my favorite Native American author, and has always given me such a joy! What will you share?