Shapes, Forms and Sizes
As I write this article, I periodically glance above the computer monitor out my office window to admire the approaching storm that is darkening the sky. The dark appearance is due to the saturation of the clouds with water. It appears that at any moment there will be a cloudburst. While I am waiting for that to happen I continue to type. Water at room temperature is a liquid. Liquids have no shape unless they are contained, in which case they take on the form of the container. However, water has the property of being able to transform depending on temperature and pressure. In Florida, when the humidity is high, or the pressure is changing, water will change. It can be released from its container - the oceans, the lakes or our body, through evaporation. The water becomes vapor which rises up and ultimately condenses into a cloud, until it reaches the saturation point where it is released as rain and the cycle starts over. Water comes in many forms. Clouds, Rain, Ice, Sleet, Hail, Lakes, Rivers, Oceans, and the Human Body. It is either contained or it is in the process of being contained. The process is motion. When water evaporates it moves skyward. When it rains, water is drawn to Earth by gravity. When it hits the ground it is either contained in a lake, or an ocean, or it is moving from the point of contact on Earth in the form of a river. Since water is fluid, it takes on the shape of the container, but it also conforms to the lay of the land when it begins to move. What starts the motion? Again, it is gravity. Water moves downhill with the force of gravity until it reaches a level area. Ultimately, it will find the sea if there is no level area prior to it. In the Human Body water makes up 70% of the content. It is either located within every cell, or as extracellular fluid, or it is moving in the form of blood. Your brain is made up of 80% water. It has higher water content than the rest of the body. Therefore, it is much more sensitive to changing levels of water, and blood pressure in the body. Lower than normal levels cause dehydration eliciting symptoms of fatigue, headaches, lack of mental clarity, stress and sleep disruption. It is crucial to stay hydrated if only for the sake of your brain. Water cannot change into solid form in the body, but it can change into gas form. The hydrogen ions of H20 dissociate and determine the pH of the blood. The hydrogen bonds of water are what determine water molecules attraction to other water molecules. This is why water is so fluid, and can change forms so quickly when presented with an obstacle. If water changes in quantity, do we change with the changing amount of water flowing through us? How we think, act, move, or perform? Of course we do. When we are dehydrated, our form changes - our body and brain, and thus mind. We are less fluid. We do not move or think as easily. There are thousands of books out there that teach how to change your thoughts to be more positive and successful. Rarely do you ever read about anyone stating the obvious: Drink more water, change your thoughts! Drink more water, change your life! Our brain is water. Our thoughts are water. Our life is water. When a reservoir is low, there is huge concern for the consequences, but when our water level is low internally, no one seems to relate the negative symptoms associated to dehydration. Mood, emotion, negativity, irritation, pain, discomfort etc. are a direct result of our body's reservoir becoming depleted. Dehydration changes our energy level. We are less likely to exercise because we are depleted. Think of a raisin. It is a completely dehydrated grape. It has lost its shape because it lost its water content. This is exactly what happens to your every cell, tissue and organ in your body. If it happens to your brain, your computer, then it is no wonder that you start to have strange thoughts, emotions and symptoms. If you want to transform yourself, you need to start with water. Outside the dark cloud just released water as rain. Time to drink in the best the Earth has to offer. Time to get in shape. Transform to a different shape. Time to transform your water. Time to transform yourself. You are water!
Drink water, Change your life!