Retro Media: The Shape of Things that Must Return

Retro Media: The Shape of Things that Must Return

I have seen the future of Media, it is seemingly locked in the Past: Star Trek Continues...

Sure there is still Big Media, Social Media..but the begotten progeny will be Retro Media. (Which does not always mean: Profitable Media.)

Let me explain...

David Byrne and Talking heads had it correct back in the Big 80's: In Once in a Lifetime: "This is not my big automobile... how did I get here?" it was a mighty tenant to Future Shock that was empirically microcosmic for its day, for it represented a small segment of Middle Class ascendancy and bartered entitlement -- euphemistically called: Yuppies. Yes, we all know the dissection and deconstruction of that Myth, so hackneyed and over-wrought... I won't go into detail...

But that is just the problem, today in communicating, we tend to shun the details for the broad strokes, the limited closure of 140 Characters on Twitter or the tepid non-offensive Status Update of traceable Facebook activity; each garners a piquant sense of closure and summation, without the back story without the nod to causation...weak on revelation, with an inherent fear of ignominious form and content...for when these aforementioned concepts are implemented within these technological platforms, to use an arcane term: All hell breaks loose.

The frame of reference has now become the frame itself and many humans feel trapped within;for we are all becoming too close for comfort.

Current Familiarity, does indeed breed contempt. Contempt for current standards, contempt for a world we seemingly did not wish to create in the first place and one we so wish we had control over... So the trend arises to fall back to the Old Familiar. This is not Nostalgia, this is the self-actualization in a world as one always wanted it to be, as one always thought they would be...where they always wanted to end up.

Technology has created a seemingly level playing field, yet the players have arrived to discover exactly where they stand, shell shocked: they wish to return...where no man or woman has gone before.

Vic Mignogna the force behind Star Trek Continues, reveals that he immersed himself in the world of Star Trek when he became a child of divorce, he saw Captain Kirk as a Father Figure and slowly but surely acted out his aping of the character, the setting, the oeuvre, that it must have become not only a comfort but a way of life...

As Technology evolved, he (I say this with admiration and envy) obviously did NOT. In a semi-Freudian, Quantum Manifestation tinged Triangulation of Golden Geometry -- Vic Mignogna has become Captain Kirk and has the resources, technical support and the most ideal platform to express himself...

And he will, if he has not already, find an audience and keep them.

For what he is doing is propping up a world as his fellow Trekkers always wanted it to be; continuing the the 5 year mission set up by the Star Trek creators in the 1960's; propagating an alternate history...the ultimate "What if..." melding the fans with the icons -- many, many Fan based videos and such had been created in the past, but none have had the funding (Partially "Crowd Sourced") or the access to Hollywood creative and visceral resources that Mr. Mignogna has...

But he has shown so much more... Gumption.

Websters: initiative · resourcefulness · enterprise · ingenuity · imagination.

If any of my Big TV or Big Film or Big Media Big Shots are reading this, please note that Vic Mignogna (who is not without his Detractor Beams**) and others of his ilk, can merely be the tip of the ice berg that may eventually sink the standards you so cherish. Backed by new resources of funding, the consent of forgotten creators and styles in the Hollywood Miasma, lenient copy right permissions*, a love and passion for the "out-moded" and a world grown weary of slick short attention spans...the eyeballs you so covet can be diverted by such paeans to a simpler, more comforting setting and pace as this.

Through the very technology that seemingly limits expression and renders one to fodder for the Data Cannons... He has boldly gone where no... (too cliche, I know) but where he has gone is just the point of Retro-Media: He has gone back to the comfort of the familiar to create the new familiar; shrouding himself and his followers in a comforting cloak, where one never has to awake and say: "How did I get here?" but I am here..basking in the glow of who, where and how I always wanted it to be...

Courageous Vic Mignogna***, Live long and...

*As with all such Star Trek fan productions, use of copyrighted and trademarked properties from the original series was allowed so long as the production is not-for-profit. (Wikipedia).


*** Author's Note: Unguarded by Hollywood Press Machine buffers, the churning world of aberrant claims and innuendo abound. So a man's courage is defined by the his ability to withstand the trip-ups and taunts that wish to throw him into the abyss.


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