The Shape of Individuals and the System
Amy J. Wilson, FRSA
Designing Thriving Organizations | Emotional Intelligence | Psychological Safety | Workplace Well-Being Advocate | Keynote Speaker | Bestselling Author of Empathy for Change
I contain multitudes, but then again, all of us do. And as we go deeper into this century, we'll need to contain much more than we've imagined.
Looking back over the past 20 years, I haven't had just one career, I've had four (and counting). It has allowed me to create a breadth and depth of experience, hold deep complexity and over time I've learned how to make sense out of seeming complex spaces. I've grown with each new role we have.
I graduated with a degree in Communications, a concentration in Public Relations and a Minor in Literature and have since expanded in so many different ways:
In my latest entrepreneurial endeavor I build modern cultures centered on compassion, putting empathy into action. Along the way I’ve learned about many different aspects of business, of policymaking, and specialized in innovation, design, policy, and building movements of change.?
Each of these experiences have built upon the other, creating a wildly different career than I could have imagined 20+ years ago when I was an undergrad.
Over time I have been able to build upon past expertise and experience in these sectors to create a multidisciplinary and intersectional approach towards the challenges we have today, and I have a greater understanding of how these puzzle pieces fit together.
But, I don’t know everything. I know a good bit of a lot of things, but at the end of the day, there’s so much more to learn and explore. I know that I can’t do this all alone--I need to bring in the right mix of people, no matter what shape they take.? I'm regularly reminded being humble becomes more difficult as we acquire more knowledge (and power).
This newsletter was inspired by research I recently was asked to do for a government fellowship executive director. I thought I'd also share some of my learnings here, too!
From “I” to “Multi-Pi” People
Generally in the past “I” shaped people were preferable, which shows that we are a specialist or subject matter expert in a specific function/discipline. An example of this type of person is a doctor or a lawyer with a depth of expertise. When you meet a doctor, you want to be sure that they have deep schooling in the human body and can help determine what may be wrong with our bodies.
Over time as the world has become more complex, a different type of workplace individual emerged.? These people have both a specialty but also broad knowledge or a generalist mindset. This started with “T” shaped people, but has since expanded to include “Pi” shaped people and now “Multi-Pi” or Comb”-shaped people. These people have one or multiple specialties, and a generalist or broad knowledge.
Here’s a definition of each of these types of people as shared by Manav Gupta, VP & CTO, IBM Canada:
These are all questions we could be asking ourselves as we prepare for the future of work:
What Skills are Necessary
So knowing that the future requires us to be multifaceted, what are the skills that we need to develop? First, we need to determine what are the conditions that are existing in our life that have led us to a new world we live in, full of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, also known as the acronym VUCA.?
A report by the Institute for the Future and the University of Phoenix Research Institute identified a series of?disruptive shifts that will reshape the workforce landscape, which they call drivers. They are:
Here are a series of specific skills needed for the workforce of the future. These are:?
All of these skills listed above grapple with the complexities of today, while preparing ourselves for the future which is to come.
In a VUCA world, we are shaped by and actively shape the world around us as well. Which brings me to a question: where should we devote our time and efforts — on people, or the systems around us?
This is very much like the chicken vs. the egg debate. Do the systems around us have power over us, giving us less free will and agency to shift the world around us? Or, can we step into the power within ourselves as individuals to have the grace of agency and choice in our daily lives to change the system?
I think of this as a yes, and: the system has power over us, but we also can recognize and build the power within ourselves to change the system. We have to hold both of these realities as true. To what extent the system has power over us is another conversation (see next newsletter for a discussion on that).
Systems matter, because they shape people. People matter, because they shape systems.
Shaped by Our Systems?
While we are shaping ourselves through being a generalist or specialist in a specific topic, there’s another type of shaping we must be aware of that adds to the complexity of human existence, and this comes from the field of somatics.
Somatics comes from the Greek root soma, which means "the living organism in its wholeness." This is the best phrase we have in English to understand human beings as an integrated mind/body/spirit, and as social, relational beings. In somatic speak, we call this embodiment, “shape,” and the collective “body”.
We all are part of the culture that surrounds us: in our homes, our workplaces, and in society. Within each of us, we have a series of experiences and forces that have shaped us to who we are today. This is called the “Sites of Shaping” and is a key part of somatics. Our soma is our body and it has been shaped by our various experiences and forces in life that we can’t see, but have impacted how we view and act in the world.
This is a public health framework developed by Alan Greig and generationFIVE. It is further elaborated in the work of Staci K. Haines and generative somatics, as explained in this video.?
We are shaped by all of these Sites. Social norms are transmitted to us, and reinforced, at each Site. The larger the circle, the more people and power it takes to transform the Site. All these Sites are interconnected, with social norms, culture, and the economy expressed through each one. How we embody our beliefs, strategies for surviving and thriving habits, and actions, are developed as we interact with the experience of life in our world. We adapt to our experiences and our environments –whether for survival or resilience–in our thoughts and in our bodies, which then become automatic and “normal.”?
“The bad news, from a social justice perspective, is that we inadvertently embody societal norms we don’t believe in, and often don’t embody the values we believe in,” as stated in the strategy in Generative Somatics. Here are a few characteristics of our culture that may have seeped into our realities:
It seems like we’re doomed to repeat these sites of shaping and creating harm in the world. But there’s hope. We have the power within ourselves to examine its effect on our lives, build our awareness of how we’ve been shaped, to also shape ourselves and the system to bend towards deeper change with compassion.
The New Government Leader’s EDG
In Fall 2020, I served on a number of Biden-Harris transition policy teams, around building 21st Century "Better" Government and political appointee onboarding. The following framework was formed during that time with a good friend, Steve Sinha. Steve later adopted this into the curriculum for Empowered to Run, an online training program for thoughtful leaders everywhere, especially those running for office.
We live in a?VUCA?world (Volatile,?Uncertain,?Complex, and?Ambiguous) — and many state & local governments are not set up to effectively respond to its ever-increasing, fast-moving, interconnected array of social, economic, natural, and technological challenges. With the necessary skills, leaders can transform their governments and organizations to better address this environment, improve outcomes, and increase trust in the institutions they run.
Better Government and Organizations
So what key qualities must government have to support their communities in a VUCA world? Here’s a framework to build from. Envision a government that:
Understands the challenges and opportunities of all.?It is:
Develops excellent public policy.?It is:
Delivers excellent services, programs, and products.?It is:
The EDG Framework
We can lead successful, sustainable change in government with the EDG framework, which is designed to increase your:
Together these form our EDG (“edge”) framework, covering foundational skills and knowledge that will help you authentically represent your customers and make your fellowship efforts as informed, effective, and impactful as possible.
The EDG framework is relevant for fellows, term-appointed employees, government officials (elected, appointed, and civil) and community advocates and can help any of these leaders serve their communities more effectively.
With strong EDG capacity and training, you can create an energetic, open, thoughtful, collaborative, forward-thinking environment critical to developing and implementing successful policies, programs, and processes that meet your constituents’ needs. Read more below about the three components of the EDG framework and why they matter.
Emotional Quotient (EQ)
Your emotional quotient is the level of your ability to understand other people, what motivates them, and how to work cooperatively with them.? This has both inward-facing and outward-facing dimensions.? High EQ leaders have:
In the political and government domains, further developing your emotional intelligence will make you more effective at connecting with others because you will better understand their pains, challenges, and interests.? This in turn makes you more effective at delivering for your stakeholders, as you will then be better able to develop and advocate for solutions that fit these needs (see DQ for more).? Additionally, since your success is tied to the success of your teams (which for fellows includes both your immediate team and your agency), increasing your EQ improves your ability to align and motivate your teams, clear roadblocks, and ensure everyone’s needs are met.
While some of the underlying values are ingrained, many EQ skills can be learned and strengthened.? Training helps you develop empathy for your customers and understand your own motivations to ensure that you are able to make decisions that are authentic to you and represent your community well.? We focus on listening to your community, listening to experts, and listening to the different sides debates, so that you are addressing what is important and framing your response in the most effective way.? Additionally, we guide you in self-care and management to help ensure that you and your team are healthy and aligned for the long-haul.?
Design Quotient (DQ)
Your design quotient complements your emotional quotient.? Whereas EQ centers your ability to engage, empathize with, and relate to people, DQ focuses on your ability to scale those interactions, develop innovative solutions to challenges you hear about, and rally people to the cause. The goal is that these solutions are:
To get there, leaders with high DQ have mastered:
In the political and government domains, design skills will give you an edge in creating a differentiated policy platform that resonates with your community, and delivering on that platform once on the job.? These skills are valuable not only for developing ideas about how your government can approach challenges in your community (service design), they can also assist you in improving how the government operates internally (organizational design).? More broadly, these skills are useful for any entrepreneurial (or intrapreneurial) endeavor.? It’s helpful to remember that your work is literally a start-up nonprofit business.
Throughout your experience you will engage a diverse array of your customers, asking questions that draw out stories and language that will inform you and prepare you to tell compelling stories to others.? We help you synthesize the information you hear and integrate it with evidence-based expert analysis.? We provide you a foundation on which to co-create ideas with those you serve and improve them over time.
Government Quotient (GQ)
Your government quotient is a measure of your knowledge of the domain you’re seeking to influence.? Your governments (local, state, and federal) have been operating for a long time without you.? For you to help steer the ship of government to better serve your community, it’s crucial to be familiar with:
GQ provides critical support for EQ and DQ in the EDG framework.? By developing your domain knowledge, you will build a mental model of policy challenges and the government's potential role in helping solve them.? You will then be able to listen more deeply to your constituents’ stories because you will see how they fit in.? Engaging more deeply in turn increases your empathy and builds stronger, authentic connections with those you are speaking with.? And your ability to design and implement policy solutions in the domain of government is obviously reliant on your knowledge of how government operates and where there are opportunities and constraints.
Having a high GQ when ramping up into your role will enable you to tune your strategies to what is bold but also realistic.? When governing, a high GQ will enable you to navigate your work environment and transform your vision into reality.
So here's the thing: as we go deeper into the 21st century, every one of us must be scholars in all three of these spaces: people (EQ), processes (DQ), and the domain in which we work in (GQ). These are no longer a "nice to have" but a "must have," and should no longer be thought of as "soft skills" but rather essential skills that we must use to govern and lead us into a better future world we all want to live in. (Note: Arguably, a fourth scale is emerging where we can measure ourselves on is the Technology Quotient (TQ) scale, but not everyone needs this to get our jobs done.)
Just as the world around us is becoming more complex and uncertain, we also must evolve, and not always have our heads in the sand and resist change. We are shaped by the systems around us, but we also shape the system. With each passing day, we're becoming more comb-shaped or multi-pi shaped. Those who embrace this will excel, and those who don't will slowly decline and fall behind. Throughout all of this, have empathy for those around us who are doing their best and the humility to know that you are no better than those around you.
Designing Thriving Organizations | Emotional Intelligence | Psychological Safety | Workplace Well-Being Advocate | Keynote Speaker | Bestselling Author of Empathy for Change
1 个月Thanks for sharing my work, Lisa!
Senior Executive Finance, Media, Sport, Wellness Industries | Entrepreneurial Director with passion for Building Brands across diverse markets | Integrating AI Powered Marketing with Human Creativity.
1 年Great piece of sharing..??Over time I have been able to build upon past expertise and experience in these sectors to create a multidisciplinary and intersectional approach towards the challenges we have today, and I have a greater understanding of how these puzzle pieces fit together.