Shangri-La-La Land?
Just last week, in a fine dining restaurant in a well-to-do suburb, Hannah's manager asked her if she could pick up table 27, outside of her section. "Sure", Hannah said "But that's Ashley's table." "They asked for another server," her manager explained.
Whhoooooooooaaaa, what?
Hannah jumped in and took over service to 27 but you know she didn't waste any time tracking down Ashley to ask her "WTF happened there?" Ashley shrugged and said "I really don't know, I mean the older man was pretty rude. He practically shouted at me to bring bread for the table. I guess he's just an ass."
Hannah had enough on her plate now with the extra table, she didn't have time to wonder why the poo hit the fan, her mission was to help clean it up. But Ashley clearly felt funny about it and kept checking in with Hannah "Did they mention why they asked for another server? I mean, I DID forget to bring bread until after the appetizers already hit the table. Maybe that's why." "But you should be able to recover from that," Hannah offered. "Yeah, you're right," Ashley said thoughtfully.
"The only other thing I can think of is that the older man asked for a Corona Light and I told him we don't carry that." "Then what happened?" asked Hannah, getting curious. "Well his wife asked me if I could tell her husband which beers we DO have and I told her they were right there on the drink menu her son was holding!"
Oh, snap.
"I already have a 3-year old," Ashley asserted. "These are adults, I shouldn't have to baby them. They can read a beer list, for god's sake."
Do you know anyone like Ashley who believes in Shangri-La? Garden of Eden? The perfect world where everything is as it SHOULD be. Where guests already know why their well-done steak takes more time. Where they understand why there's really no good way to make a virgin margarita. Where no one ever wants to make substitutions... aaaahhhhh, nice! Okay, now back to earth! Or more accurately, back to your restaurant!
The only perfect world here in your restaurant is the one where guests are happy, spending money and planning on returning soon with friends. And if it means splitting their salad for them instead of them doing it themselves, if it means grinding pepper for them instead of just handing them the grinder, if it means reciting the list of available beers, even if they're holding the damn menu RIGHT in front of their own eyes... that's what needs to get done.
Hannah handled the table with a spirit of hospitality. She happily served them the bottle of $100 wine they ordered, then the second bottle as well. She happily sold them desserts and after-dinner drinks, even the wife's crazy mix of tequila and Bailey's on the rocks. She happily dropped their check for $537 and she VERY happily collected the $250 tip they left her. True story. I was on shift that night and saw it all go down.
Remember this story, tell it to your children, let not the lesson of table 27 be forgotten...
Always good hanging out,
Leslie Kalk, Restaurant Coach
P.S…. When you’re ready, here are 3 ways my team and I can help you take command of your business this year:
1. Join the ROOM (Restaurant Owners, Operators & Managers) group and connect with other badass restaurant operators who are growing their business, too. Right this way.
2. Sit in on our next class. If you need clarity on how to take your store to the next level without losing your mind, c’mon in. I’ll let you know when the party’s getting started. You can sign up for it here.
3. Work with me privately. If you’d like to work directly with me to fix your staffing issues, save your sanity and rock store revenue… just email me and put “Private†in the subject line. Tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!