Shameless 'ask/offer'? to test of the true power of LinkedIn! 7(3?) degrees of separation across the world?
Masai Tribesmen

Shameless 'ask/offer' to test of the true power of LinkedIn! 7(3?) degrees of separation across the world?

#seattle #seahawks #soccerfan #footballfan #12s #russellwilson #Soundersfc #masaimara #bobmarley #3

'Friends, romans, countrymen, lend me your ears (eyes actually)'. I have circa 1563 #LinkedIn connections and want to test the theory of 7 (or significantly less nowadays) degrees of separation we all read about. Am big soccer fan, super-active volunteer on board of Bellevue United FC in PNW with 1000 kids in select/rec programs and post about that. I always give in my life and almost never ask for anything as you may know. I got interested in NFL a few seasons ago and watch SeaHawks on TV most games. Never been to a live NFL game at CenturyLink as I don't think paying $500+ to see a game from a nose-bleed seat is worth it to me. I am a Sounders FC season ticket holder and can see a whole home season of games for the same money. That said, I would like to see SeaHawks play live once in my life at the CLink in Seattle and hear the BOOM. If anyone wants to invite me into their box or offer up an unused seat at a game - must happen all the time - then I am good at buying beers, hosting events at my house and even washing dishes now and then after years of training in the UK. All ideas and constructive feedback welcome. If Russell Wilson responds to this (new owner at SoundersFC) then I will fall off my perch and be very impressed with LinkedIn reach. Lastly, (if you have had the energy to read this far, congrats) in my lecture on anthropology at Liverpool University in 1980 with 200 students in the room, our professor tested the 7 degrees of separation theory (almost 40 years ago now). He asked if anyone knew anyone in the Masai Mara (Kenya). One student jumped up and stated 'I have a Masai brother-in-law there'. I was impressed. As it turns out, I now have a brother-in-law with dreadlocks looking like Bob Marley in Kenya too. Life can be quite unexpected. Interested to see what, if anything, ripples back to my stone skimming across the pond !


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