Shame On You
Jonathan Dunnemann
Basketball is more than a game: It's a path to balance, excellence, and transcendent personal peace.
Please don't attempt to make me feel ashamed of being who I am because of how I praise my God or how it looks, sounds, or feels so very different from how you do.
Kindly withhold the insensitivity of making me feel empty inside because my hair, eyes, nose, skin color, or physical size do not match your self-image. Like you, I am here to add beauty, diversity, and uniqueness to a world vastly filled with many wonderful things and beautiful surroundings.
Don't crown me with thorns because I have come here with a different message, or don't wear a suit and tie to the sacred house of worship or because I am a more feminine male or masculine woman. I deeply love humanity, along with all of God's other creations. I even love you despite the cruelty you are so inclined to display towards me.
Please don't make me feel as though I am some mistake, evil, or, to your mind, a worthless human being. How can this be so? How can you, if you genuinely care, be so easily satisfied with this, and how can you continue to go on adding more greatly to my misery, pain and suffering by damning me and yet still call yourself a decent and holy person?
Have you no shame? Shame on you!
But I will tell you today that I forgive you and love you, and I will continue to do so long after you have exhausted all possible excuses and rationales for being unloving toward me.