Shame is a Toxic Lie!
Rebecca Lowrie
Helping spiritual explorers awaken to their full, true selves and most embodied presence.
If you’ve been told that sex, masturbation, arousal and desire are anything other than natural, normal, beautiful, one of your superpowers, then you have been lied to.
You’ve been robbed and poisoned against that which you really are.
Against your true power as a creator.
Most of the men I work with have received this message in one way or another.
It poisons the mind and body.
It dampens down the soul, the ‘who you really are’ of you.
That is exactly what it is intended to do.
To make you think you are powerless.
Imagine if we were all told the truth about who we are as sexual beings.
Imagine if we were taught how to use the fullness of it, the absolute ancient technology that it is.
Imagine if we were taught that penetration is one teeny tiny expression of what sex actually is.
In fact, that engaging with another person was just one branch of the giant tree of sexual possibility.
Imagine if we were applauded and celebrated when we learned to love our bodies, to be curious about our arousal, to bring pleasure and power through our bodies.
One way to clear shame from your body and energy system:
Sit somewhere comfortable, spine straight but relaxed
Start to take some long, slow, deep breaths
Relax your shoulders, hips and jaw
Set the intention for your body and energy system to release and let go of any shame which no longer serves you
Intend and allow it to flow down through your body, through your energy system, and out from the soles of your feet into the earth
Feel it draining slowly down, moving through all the nooks and crannies of you
Notice how much lighter you feel in the areas that have cleared so far
It can take a few minutes or longer
More shame will usually arise over time because we live in a world that perpetuates it.
So return to this exercise as often as you feel drawn to
When you feel complete for this time, have a gentle stretch
Drink some water
Journal whatever came up for you or have a celebratory dance!
Advanced technique:
Once you’ve felt it clear as much as it wants to at this time, switch your sexual energy on (see my book for how to do that)
Move it around your body, noticing how it feels
Does it feel different now that you've cleared some shame?
Tune into it
Spend some time engaging with it in whatever way feels wonderful to you at this moment
Want some help to get back to who-you-really-are beyond the shame and conditioning?
Check out my online course, Embracing Your Inner Lover, here:
Read my book, 101 Meditations For Life, Business and Bedroom Success (Available on Amazon - LinkedIn doesn't allow Amazon links)